Op-Ed: Jews Outside Israel – Protect Yourselves

October 7, 2023, will be remembered as the day that changed Israel forever. From the first news report and right up to this very moment, world Jewry “stepped up to the plate” and shared a tremendous burden with fellow Yidden in Eretz Yisroel. From unprecedented donations and supplies, to helping fight evil on social media, Jews – in every part of the world – assisted in countless ways…

By Shmuel Sackett שמואל סקט

October 7, 2023, will be remembered as the day that changed Israel forever. From the first news report and right up to this very moment, world Jewry “stepped up to the plate” and shared a tremendous burden with fellow Yidden in Eretz Yisroel. From unprecedented donations of money and supplies, to helping fight evil on social media, Jews – in every part of the world – assisted in countless ways… and we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It is now time for us to return the favor.

My dear brothers and sisters across the globe; it has become crystal clear that – despite the difficulties and challenges – there is no better place for a Yid to live other than in Eretz Yisrael. Yes, it’s dangerous at times, but having the knowledge that we don’t need to run to the goyim to protect us… is priceless and special. After escaping and fleeing for 2,000 years, from one country to the next, and literally being defenseless… our future, protection and revenge are – Finally! – solely dependent on our unique partnership between HaShem and our own, Jewish army. No longer must we cower in the Shtetels or send a delegation to the Czar to save us. This time, we call on our own brave men and women and arm them with everything they need to fight like Shimon and Levi. Simultaneously, as they courageously fight the enemy, we pierce the Heavens with our Torah, our Tefillos, Gemillas Chasadim and our tears.

Yes, it’s true that things are a bit scary and often frightening… but we do our best to focus on the privilege and opportunity that HaShem has given us to take our place in Jewish history alongside the great Jewish warriors such as Pinchas, Dovid Hamelech, Yiftach, and Yehuda the Maccabee. How unfortunate that Jews outside the Land of Israel – even in 2024 – still run to the nations of the world to plead for help. We have all seen the speeches in the United Nations and the testimony of students begging for help fighting anti-Semitism. How happy we are when the Mayor of NYC promises to protect us or when a university professor stands up to condemn hatred on campus!

Happy when that happens? Satisfied when an email is sent to students urging tolerance of Jews? Comfortable with off-duty cops patrolling your shul on Shabbos protecting your kids? I have the complete opposite reaction. All of these examples – plus many more – prove that the shtetlach mentality still exists. It shows that despite all of our advances, we still need the goyim to protect us. This is the main difference with life in Eretz Yisroel, where it’s our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts… plus our own fathers and mothers fighting, battling and defending Jewish lives and property. In Israel, we don’t turn to the Eric Adams, Kathy Hochul‘s, Phil Murphy‘s or Justin Trudeau‘s for help. We don’t pay off duty Tony and Vinny to protect our shul and we certainly don’t run to Washington to beg Senators and Congressmen to watch over us.

Yidden of the velt; read my words carefully, not because I am anyone special, but because I say what others are afraid to: Your future is in Eretz Yisroel but until that B’ezrat Hashem happens, make sure you put yourselves in charge of your own security! Every neighborhood, every community needs to have patrols and every shul and Yeshiva needs to be carefully watched by. Those that can apply for a concealed carry firearms permit, should!

Jewish eyes. Should an anti-Semite threaten a Yid in any way – whether in Walmart, the pizza store or on campus – that Jew-hater must be taught a lesson with the Jewish fist, not the Jewish head. We don’t condemn acts of anti-Semitism… we crush the anti-Semites the way Moshe did to the Egyptians. A dear friend of mine told me that last Shabbat, a group of 20 pro-Hamas demonstrators stood outside one of the biggest shuls in London with signs – in Arabic – that said, “Kill the Jews”. My response to him was very clear. Find 30 tough Jews to make sure those protestors can’t walk for 6 months because if not, the 20 protestors will turn into 100 rock-throwing rioters. Now is the time to act!

I cannot emphasize this point enough. Anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate and until your Nefesh b’Nefesh aliyah flight touches down in Israel, you must be vigilant in securing all Jewish sites. This means patrols which may affect your work schedule but needs to be done immediately. If you think this is too difficult, here’s a word that will change your mind: Hatzola. The amazing volunteers of this incredible organization worked night and day – including Shabbat and Yom Tov – and have successfully changed our minds in cases of a medical emergency. In Frum communities served by Hatzola, who still calls 911? Answer – Nobody!! That is the mindset what I’m talking about when it comes to securing our neighborhoods.

I am not advocating that there should be no need for Law Enforcement, but when the police are only “just 2 minutes away” and the threat and attack is now… Let Jews defend Jewish homes, businesses, shuls and yeshivas, let Jews teach the haters that we are the descendants of Shimshon, Yoav and the Purim hero; Mordechai where it says; “For the fear of Jews had fallen upon them” (Megillat Esther)


Shmuel Sackett is the founder and director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation and the popular Yerushalayim Dream Raffle

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  • Afministrator 08/23/2024 | י"ט אב התשפ"ד

    Totally agree. Learn Kvar Mega. Do what Rabbi Kahana,AH’,did in the 1960s and 70s. That’s the only thing the anti semities know. You deal with a bully by being a bigger bully, so he fears you and when he hears you are coming, he runs away. Learn to Crack ribs and break legs. He’ll think long and hard before he attacks you again. The odds is he’ll never touch you.

  • Community Activist- Detroit 08/20/2024 | ט"ז אב התשפ"ד

    Although I agree with you that we must Defend ourselves and I do and have for the past 25 years I find your message could’ve been more powerful and compelling by embracing the Gentiles that are protecting us until we are able to defend ourselves. I believe every Yeshiva and Day School Student should learn Kravitz Maga, Martial Arts or boxing plus be required to take physical Fitness classes daily along with how to Safely handle a firearm, God Forbid they need to use one!

  • Elchonon 08/19/2024 | ט"ו אב התשפ"ד

    Lets just make sure the passports are valid and within reach and start making Alyah…having an Israeli passport doesnt withold you from working in the United States as long as we still can…

  • October 7th changed everything 08/19/2024 | ט"ו אב התשפ"ד

    Many Jews felt that there wasn’t a need to be armed, but October 7 changed everything. For everyone.

    At this point, anyone that has the capability to apply for their firearm license, properly train & practice, that doesn’t – is simply foolish.

    Many in NYC fear that if there’s a summer blackout, a certain candidate wins the U.S. election, or some other “reason” for unrest, then the 2020 BLM riots will be nothing compared to what can happen.

    Additionally there have been many anti-Israel protests in and in very close proximity to the Jewish communities in Brooklyn, some have turned violent and Jews got injured.

    Let’s not forget the “Free Palestine” stabbing attack that just happened in Crown Heights, as well as smaller incidents that happened in Williamsburg and Flatbush.

    We need to do our part spiritually and have faith in Hashem. Physically we also need to be ready if and when it’s needed

  • Duvid R 08/12/2024 | ח' אב התשפ"ד

    Wow, couldn’t agree more. As Jews we need to start thinking security “in house”.

  • The true Jewish way 08/12/2024 | ח' אב התשפ"ד

    “that Jew-hater must be taught a lesson with the Jewish fist, not the Jewish head.”

    Sounds like a direct violation of הקול קול יעקב והידיים ידי עשיו

  • הרב פוקס 08/12/2024 | ח' אב התשפ"ד

    אם ה’ לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר we stii didn’t see the sucses of the ISRAEL STORY that you campaign for in the last 75 years the most fatalities from antisemitism was in israel so stop with this stupid nonsense הקול קול יעקב והידים ידי עישיו our only weapon is to obey fully torea mitzvahs and תפילות

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