Trip Report: 200 Chabad On Campus Shluchim Visit In Support For Eretz Yisroel

Over 200 Chabad on Campus Shluchim traveled to Israel last week for the annual Chabad on Campus International (COCI) conference, usually held in New Jersey.


Yerushalayim — Over 200 Chabad on Campus Shluchim traveled to Israel last week for the annual Chabad on Campus International (COCI) conference, usually held in New Jersey.

Held from July 9th through July 14th, the shluchim traveled to various sites and met notable leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Interior Minister and Human Rights Activist Natan Sharnasky Wounded IDF soldiers, Family Members of October 7th Hostages,

Campus shluchim has been on the front lines of the fight against antisemitism at colleges worldwide. Their presence and positivity were uplifting to Israelis and went both ways: the shluchim now returned inspired and empowered to continue supporting Jewish students.

Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets with Shluchim:

Prime Minister Netanyahu met with shluchim from around the globe at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. He thanked the shluchim for being ambassadors for the Jewish people and told them: “Don’t bend, don’t cower, don’t surrender—not to these antisemitic lies, not to the fear, not to the intimidation.”

  • Chabad on Campus International, COO Avi Weinstein addresses Prime Minister Netanyahu during a meeting with Chabad on Campus Shluchim at the Prime Minister’s office in Yerushalayim
  • Chabad on Campus Shluchim from all over the world meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Yerushalayim

Visits to October 7th Sites

Shluchim visited the Nova Music Festival. Amidst the memories of tragedy, they stood with deep respect for heroes like Oren, an IDF soldier whose bravery saved Roi from the Nova Festival on October 7th. Neither was able to celebrate Simchas Torah then, during the Kinus, but they did so joyously with close to 200 Chabad on Campus Shluchim.

BBQ Dinner and Visit to Sheba Medical Center

At the Shura Army base, a BBQ dinner provided a relaxed setting for Chabad on Campus Shluchim to interact with IDF personnel following their visit to Sheba Medical Center, where they met with wounded soldiers.


Renowned human rights activist and former Israeli Interior Minister Natan Sharansky delivered an inspiring speech at the Kinus. His powerful words illuminated his journey from a Soviet dissident to a symbol of freedom and resilience. Sharansky shared personal anecdotes and profound insights, highlighting the triumph of the human spirit and the enduring strength of the Jewish community.

“This year, it was clear that there’s only one place where we can meet, and that’s Israel.” Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Chabad on Campus International COO, said. “We are one people, indeed one family. We are here to express our love and support to the people of Israel during a challenging time. What is happening in Israel is directly impacting our campuses. In order for us to effectively support our students and advocate to our university administrations, it is critical that we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears to fully appreciate the situation which has so deeply impacted our students.”

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