Report: U.S. State Department To Sanction Frum IDF Battalion

Chayolim in Tzahal is going to be sanctioned by the U.S. State Department, which is expected to sanction the IDF’s Netzach Yehuda (Nachal Chareidi) Battalion in the elite Kfir Brigade. This would prevent the transfer of recently passed American aid or equipment to this battalion and prevent its soldiers from co-training with U.S. forces.
Yerushalayim — Chayolim in Tzahal will be sanctioned by the U.S. State Department, which is expected to sanction the IDF’s Netzach Yehuda (Nachal Chareidi) Battalion in the elite Kfir Brigade. This would prevent the transfer of recently passed American aid or equipment to this battalion and prevent its soldiers from co-training with U.S. forces.
The Frum Netzach Yehuda battalion, founded in 1999, is one of the largest battalions in the IDF. The Battalion is based in the Shomron and is tasked with security guarding the checkpoints at the entrance roads to all the Yishuvim north of Yerushalayim and facilitating the arrests of wanted terrorists in Arab towns and villages, including Ramallah, Jenin and Shechem.
After Simchas Torah, The Netzach Yehuda Battalion was sent into southern Gaza near the former Yishuvim of Gush Katif, where they eliminated and arrested hundreds of Hamas terrorists. They also discovered and destroyed dozens of terror tunnels.
This would be the first time the U.S. imposed sanctions on a close ally, especially, Eretz Yisroel. The sanctions are also a clear sign of worsening diplomatic relations between the Biden Administration and the Israeli war cabinet as the war in Gaza goes on.
According to a report in Axios, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken decided to impose sanctions on this Israeli battalion based on reports of alleged actions that soldiers of the Netzach Yehudah protected Yidden in the Yehuda and Shomron, before the Simchas Torah massacre.
During a press conference in Italy, Blinken confirmed that he had reached a decision on the sanctions and assured that an announcement would follow shortly.
The sanctions are based on a bill authored by then-Senator Patrick Leahy that prohibits U.S. foreign aid and Defense Department training programs from going to foreign security, military and police units credibly alleged to have committed “human rights violations.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed opposition to the sanctions stating, “Sanctions must not be imposed on the IDF. I have been working in recent weeks against the imposition of sanctions on Israeli citizens, including in my conversations with senior American government officials. While our soldiers are fighting the monsters of terror, the intention to impose sanctions on an IDF unit is the height of absurdity and degradation of values. My government will act by all means against these moves.”
*** wants to highlight that since the start of the milchama on Simchas Torah, thousands of Frum Israeli Charedim have voluntarily enlisted on their own into the IDF, mostly joining and expanding the already established Frum Chassidishe units in combat divisions such as:
- Netzach Yehuda–Nachal Charedi Battalion in Kfir
- Tomer Battalion in Givati
- Chetz Battalion in Tzanchanim (Paratroopers)
As well as the popular Shachar Kachol non-combat unit established for Yingerleit.
Additionally, the dozens of large Hesder Yeshivas which combine Limud Hatorah and volunteering in the IDF. The Hesder Yeshiva (Dati Leumi) Bochurim mostly from Yishuvim in Yehuda and Shomron, proudly serve, as Bnei Yeshiva and Bnei Torah together with their fellow classmates and Rebbeim in all units, branches and divisions of the IDF. In fact, many motivated Hesder yeshiva bochurim make it to top units and special forces divisions within the IDF, all while being Shomer Torah Umitzvos.
The Frum and Chasseidish communities of Eretz Yisroel have the largest percentage of volunteering for emergency rescue chesed organizations in every Israeli city, Including Zaka, United Hatzalah of Israel, Magen Dovid Adom (MDA) and Yedidim.
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