OPEN LETTER — It Had Nothing To Do With October 7

UPDATE: Make no mistake, Hamas Terrorists attacked Israel because it was Simchas Torah! Not because “October 7.” They knew the majority of IDF soldiers were going to be home and off-base spending the Simchas Torah Yom Tov and holiday with their family—and the Israeli army’s guard will be down.
Update: This article was originally published on October 7, 2024. As we approach Simchas Torah, the Yahrtzeit of the 1200+ Kedoshim, we are RePosting this important article.
Open Letter to Klal Yisroel
It had nothing to do with October 7–Yet everything to do with Simchas Torah.
Today ה תשרי the Jewish nation and the world mourns one-year since the Hamas terrorists ym”s attacks of October 7, let’s take a moment to reflect why October 7?
As Jews, Bnei Yisroel, we have the Torah—and we know that all important dates go by the Hebrew calendar only. That doesn’t take away the significance of marking any event in history under the secular date, as we do countless times a year.
Make no mistake, Hamas Terrorists attacked Israel because it was Simchas Torah! Not because “October 7.” They knew the majority of IDF soldiers were going to be home and off-base spending the Simchas Torah—Yom Tov with their family—and the Israeli army’s guard will be down.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out!
The first several months after the Simchas Torah massacre attacks, most Israeli’s never even heard the term “October 7.”
While we mark the important significance of this secular day. (and have our guard-up worldwide) let’s make sure we don’t forget the real Yartzeit of all the Kedoshim that were taken from us on Shemini Atzeres – Simchas Torah כב תשרי.
10/08/2024 | ו' תשרי התשפ"ה
Yes and there are folks who call it that. But I think the vast majority prefer not to treif up their soul by calling it Simchat Torah, the happiest day on our calendar. We are still in shock. We need every drop of joy we can squeeze out of our lives. Leave simcha intact.
Perhaps we do not subconciously call it Simchat Torah because please Gd this year we will truly have Simchat Torah. As a BT, Simchat Torah has always been a struggle and quite truthfully, found lacking, being in exile in so many ways. -
10/07/2024 | ה' תשרי התשפ"ה
Agreed, Simchas Torah is the actual date. We can mark the yahrtzeit by celebrating Simchas Torah in a real and meaningful way. Maybe learn Li’illuy mishmash or take on things in their memory. . Read more at:
10/07/2024 | ה' תשרי התשפ"ה
Good point.
How exactly do u suggest we mark the yurtziet of the kedoshim on a chag?
Maybe we just add it to Tisha bav like all other tragedies?-
forum Reply to Shloimy 10/22/2024 | כ' תשרי התשפ"ה
No. If we add it to all the other tragedies, “they”win. We bring our pain & joy to celebrate this holy day of Simchas Torah.
We KNOW they will be reunited when Moshiach comes. Meanwhile we send the hostages & their families love, joy, strength, compassion, light.
We share with them, with their deepest of sorrow while at the very same time help to ignite whatever healing, positivity, courage we can add.
10/07/2024 | ה' תשרי התשפ"ה
It’s time for the Israeli government to re-establish Jewish communities in Gush Katif.
Gush Katif Now & Forever!
Am Yisroel Chai! -
10/07/2024 | ה' תשרי התשפ"ה
Well said! Gazan “Civilians” terrorists slaughtered Jews, because they are Jewish. On a Jewish holiday.
The local, national & international media is making like today is the 1 year anniversary of this massacre.
Let’s at least mourn on the proper day. Simchat Torah.
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