Los Angeles: Perp Shot After Attacking Frum Kosher Bakery Owner in North Hollywood

A violent criminal was killed after attacking the frum owner inside a Kosher bakery in the Jewish community of Los Angeles
By FrumNews.com
A violent criminal was killed after attacking the frum owner inside a Kosher bakery in the Kehillah in North Hollywood on Sunday afternoon.
According to Los Angeles Police Department investigators, the shooting happened at around 12:50 p.m. on Burbank Boulevard near Whitsett Ave.
The incident escalated when a 52-year-old homeless man violently attacked the Kosher bakery owner and his son, eventually leading to the Frum owner of the bakery, who is a licensed gun owner, shooting the perpetrator in self-defense.
LAPD Officers on the scene described the shooting as self–defense.
The perpetrator was pronounced dead on the scene.
The store owner, who is a licensed gun holder, is fully cooperating with the investigators.
07/07/2024 | א' תמוז התשפ"ד
I’m glad the normal people are safe. -
07/03/2024 | כ"ז סיון התשפ"ד
I hope the community stops bybthe store and buys something special for shabbos.
07/03/2024 | כ"ז סיון התשפ"ד
If it was in self defence, fine.
forum Reply to John Barrell 07/07/2024 | א' תמוז התשפ"ד
If you’re in America, self defense is spelled this way!
07/02/2024 | כ"ו סיון התשפ"ד
Give us a description of the attacker as soon as you can please.
forum Reply to We need to be alert all the time. 07/03/2024 | כ"ז סיון התשפ"ד
The attacker is dead
forum Reply to We need to be alert all the time. 07/03/2024 | כ"ז סיון התשפ"ד
Why? He’s dead
07/02/2024 | כ"ו סיון התשפ"ד
How can the liberal media say its not self defense!
forum Reply to Astonishing! 07/02/2024 | כ"ו סיון התשפ"ד
The “liberal” media is NOT claiming it wasn’t self defense. Which news outlet is claiming “the shooting was not self defense?” Don’t invent issues where there aren’t any, we have enough real problems.
07/01/2024 | כ"ה סיון התשפ"ד
BH that the owner and his son are all right.
07/01/2024 | כ"ה סיון התשפ"ד
Hatzlocha to the owner and BH he was able to be mkuyam U’biarta hara mi’kirbecha.
The problem is, he lives in such a leftist town, he’ll probably be raked over the coals for this.
forum Reply to Needs to be said 07/02/2024 | כ"ו סיון התשפ"ד
He will be especially since he is Jewish. Every Jew needs to arm up , train like your life depends on it because it Does.
07/01/2024 | כ"ה סיון התשפ"ד
The left-tards will blame the gun! This is around the corner from where I grew up, I’ve shopped their many times when visiting my parents. L.A. was a great place to grow up but has gone so far down hill with the leftist politicians and fools in charge. Sad!
07/01/2024 | כ"ה סיון התשפ"ד
Kol hakovod to the storekeeper !
07/01/2024 | כ"ה סיון התשפ"ד
Jews around the world, arm yourself, and learn combat skills!!!
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