IDF Demolishes Home of ISIS Terrorist Who Kidnapped & Killed Israeli Teen, Binyamin Achimeir Hy”d

IDF forces demolished the house of the terrorist who murdered Binyamin Achimeir HY"D, a 14-year-old Israeli teen, who was found feared kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists near Yishuv Malachi Shalom, three months ago.


Yerushalayim — IDF forces demolished the house of the terrorist who murdered Binyamin Achimeir Hy”d, a 14-year-old Israeli teen, who was found feared kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists near Yishuv Malachi Shalom, three months ago.

As previously reported by at the time, Binyamin Achimeir, a young Jewish shepherd from Yishuv Malachei Hashalom in the Binyamin Region near the Shomron, went missing on Daled Nissan, April 12th, in the area near Yerushalayim after his flock returned to his farm without him. 

Terrorists ambushed Binyamin, who was a shepherd on the farm – about 100 meters from the barn and attacked him with knives and rocks when he went out with the herd to pasture.

After a lengthly search Binyamin was found murdered in cold blood. The terrorist was swiftly found and arrested

Recently, the military prosecutor filed an sealed indictment against the terrorists for murder, attempted murder and obstruction of justice.

The indictment describes how the Palestinian terrorist, along with his friends, joined a terrorist cell that identified with the ISIS terrorist organization and planned to kill Yidden.

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