Uproar in Lakewood: Rabbonim Warn Community Of Disturbing Incidents Posing A Danger To The Residents

Lakewood Rabbonim, Askanim, Community Leaders, activists and school principals sounded the alarm following recent inappropriate incidents of Jewish girls being victimized by car service drivers in Lakewood
by FrumNews.com
Lakewood, NJ – Today, a community-wide advisory alert has been issued warning Yidden in Lakewood and the surrounding townships of Toms River, Jackson, Howell, Brick and Manchester in New Jersey with Frum residents, as Rabbonim, Askanim, Community Leaders, activists and school principals sounded the alarm about the physical, emotional and spiritual dangers of car services and taxis following recent tragic reports of frum Jewish girls being victimized by car service drivers in Lakewood.
Lakewood Community leadership is urging families to take immediate precaution to protect their daughters and spouses (and even young boys) when using local taxis/car services in and near the Kehila.
Community Rabbonim have stated this week that no frum Jewish girl or woman should ever enter a local taxi alone with a male driver, regardless of familiarity with the car service company. Instead, Rabbonim stressed that woman and girls should only ride in groups or request a female driver.
These episodes have played out over the last couple of years, especially as the community has expanded to quieter areas, and the use of car service transportation by women and children has gone up.
In a statement to FrumNews.com, a community member involved in this awareness initiative said: “Not following these guidelines has already destroyed our girls, destroyed relationships, and destroyed families. How many Yiddishe neshumas need to be hurt before we wake up?”
According to Lakewood community activists, in addition to disturbing cases involving woman and children, there has been many confirmed incidents of car service drivers selling drugs to vulnerable yeshiva bochurim.
Last year, in the Jewish community of Monsey and Rockland County, NY, following countless extremely disturbing incidents, which included uncomfortable comments, harassment, inappropriate attempted assaults and an violent inappropriate assault which brought this issue to the fore.
In 2023, Monsey/Rockland County Rabbonim, Dayonim and Daas Torah, temporarily banned the use of non-Jewish owned and operated car service companies, calling on the Jewish community to boycott local non-Jewish car service companies, which nearly drove them out of business.
The boycott was only lifted once the local car service companies complied with the Rabbonims guidelines and provided proof of the following new regulations for all their vehicles:
1. Installation of interior dash cameras and to allow Rockland Safety/Security organizations to access the footage when needed.
2. Installation of plexiglass dividers between the driver and passenger seats.
3. Prohibition of any tinted windows to allow clear and full visibility into the vehicle.
4. Displaying taxi registration tags on the vehicles for easy identification.
While these features have slightly raised the price of car services in Rockland County, it is a price worth taking, ensuring the safety of the Jewish community.
Additionally, local Rockland County elected officials, began strictly enforcing compliance from car service companies, for enhanced criminal background checks and U.S. drivers license on all drivers, amid evidence that previously some of the unvetted drivers were undocumented migrants.
Since these alarming reports have come to light after a recent incident. Lakewood leadership, Rabbonim and askanim will likely require all local taxi companies to comply with similar strict requirements within the following days—or face the possibility of a full-out community-wide boycott.
Frustrated and concerned residents in Lakewood are also calling on car service companies to make an effort to hire more female drivers.
An Open Letter To Our Community from the Menaheles of 5 local girls schools including Bais Yaakov, Shiras Devorah, Meon, Ateres Nechama and Bais Shaindel
The initiative and awareness campaign “Lakewood Be Aware! Don’t Look Back With Regret.” Is endorsed by many of Lakewood’s most prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita, Rabbi Uri Deutsch shlita, Rabbi Chaim Mayer Roth shlita, Rabbi Avraham Spitzer shlita, Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Frand shlita, and Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Hershkowitz shlita.
Share this community-wide alert and article with your family and friends to raise much needed awareness to this important issue!
11/28/2024 | כ"ז חשון התשפ"ה
Horrifying. Every woman deserves to have a safe ride.
11/28/2024 | כ"ז חשון התשפ"ה
When there is a sakona it is incumbent on the Rabonim to become involved.
There is a Shul in Brooklyn where 13 of it’s members have recently died of cancer. Currently there is one person i. The hospital for three weeks on chemotherapy. All that is being done is saying Olam Kiminhago. I respect these Rabonim for taking a stand. Kol hakavod. -
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Our kids need to be our top priority. It’s very encouraging to see Lakewood leadership advocating for this issue lately.
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
This is the perfect opportunity and momentum for a woman to open a female only car service business for Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River and surrounding Jewish neighborhoods.
forum Reply to Job openings in Lakewood 12/11/2024 | י' כסלו התשפ"ה
Their is it’s called safe ride you can contact them at +1 (732) 552-7904
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Not advocating for teens to get their drivers license the minute they are allowed to, but if more teens that already have their drivers license actually learn how to drive properly on Lakewood roads. The need for car services would be reduced
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Great to see the Rabonim taking this seriously. No passenger should feel unsafe.
forum Reply to Meyer 11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
It’s extremely heartwarming that you gave the Rabbanim your haskama.
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Preventive measures must be taken. We can’t allow this to continue
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Would parents send all their Jewelry, Important documents, sentimental items or Tefillin to be transported unattended with any of these drivers?
Don’t send unattended children or young adults that are still vulnerable with these drivers.
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Kudos to the rabbis who are tackling this sensitive issue. This situation is completely unacceptable.
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
This is a very disturbing & deserves our attention & vigilance
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Now some people that can, still bike ride or even walk, the winter is coming. The need for ride share services will double or triple. This issue needs to be addressed now and fixed beforehand.
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Outrageous! Something must be done!
11/27/2024 | כ"ו חשון התשפ"ה
Also drivers form meshuluchim be very careful with
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