Trump Vows To “Make New York City Great Again” At Historic Bronx Rally

Photos: Donald J Trump for President Campaign/Instagram

Donald Trump rallied over 30,000 supporters in the Bronx with the entrance lines stretching for blocks, attending was a large Frum crowd from the Tristate area, including Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Riverdale, Monsey and Rockland County. Some frum attendees traveled all the way from Lakewood, NJ to show their Hakaras Hatov.


Bronx, NY – Donald J. Trump rallied over 30,000 supporters in the Bronx with the entrance lines stretching for blocks, and not enough room to let all those that arrived into the park. Attending was a large Frum crowd from the Tristate area, including Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Riverdale, Monsey and Rockland County. Some frum attendees traveled all the way from Lakewood, NJ to show their Hakaras Hatov.

At this historic rally in south Bronx, Trump promised to turn New York City—“a city in decline”—around, “I’m here tonight to declare we are going to turn New York City around, we are going to turn it around very, very quickly, we are going to make New York bigger, better and greater than ever before.”

President Trump vowed to “Make New York City Great Again [MNYCGA]” by bringing back public safety – law and order to our once great city.

During Trump’s speech, someone in the crowd suffered from a medical incident. Trump paused his speech and asked if anyone in the audience was a doctor, he called for someone to bring water and waited to resume his speech only after the individual received medical attention.

Donald Trump called for unity during his campaign rally in the Bronx. He said it doesn’t matter what color your skin is; “we are all Americans.”

“We had the greatest economy in history. Everybody here… you were getting more than you ever made.”

Yidden expressed their support for Trump, “Trump has always been a friend to the Jewish community and to Eretz Yisroel.”

As Trump spoke about the Israeli hostages being held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza tunnels, many supporters and Jews in the large crowd chanted: “Bring Them Home!” some holding signs of the hostages which includes 5 American citizens.

A frum Yid, who attended the campaign rally, told the RSBN, that it’s “All hands on deck” to win this election and take our country back. The time is NOW to fight for the future of our nation!

  • Ahavas Yisroel in action: Frum Yid puts Teffilin on another yid at the rally

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  • TruthTeller 05/26/2024 | י"ח אייר התשפ"ד

    Actually <1000 people. In order to have 25,000 people the field would have had to be 250,000 square feet, about four city blocks in NYC.

  • Frum MAGA 05/24/2024 | ט"ז אייר התשפ"ד

    Trump will make NYC great again by withholding funds to NYC.

    Since NYC has ‘to much money’, city hall spends it on shelters for illegal aliens who then in return do crime and destroy our neighborhoods.

    If trump legally withholds money to sanctuary cities like NY, then Adams will be forced to stop overpaying for illegals in the Roosevelt and the 100 other migrant shelters.

    They are coming to NY because they are told they get free everything. The minute that stops they will go to another city that’s stupid enough to pay for criminal alien invaders.

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