St. Louis Jewish Community Seeks To Oust “Squad” Member Cori Bush

Photo: Sam valadi/Wikimedia

Rep. Cori Bush’s congressional race in St. Louis, MO, is getting more attention as Pro-Israel advocates toppled Jamaal Bowman in Westchester.


Rep. Cori Bush’s congressional race in St. Louis, MO, is getting more attention as Pro-Israel advocates toppled Jamaal Bowman in Westchester.

Since the Milchama broke out in Eretz Yisroel, after Hamas terrorists attacked and massacred 1200 Yidden and kidnapped hundreds on Simchas Torah, the public sentiment in the US has been mostly positive for Eretz Yisroel, especially in Congress.

However, the self-named far-left “Squad” in Congress, which includes Jamaal Bowman, Summer Lee and Cori Bush, has been bashing Israel ever since the war began.

Rep. Cori Bush, represents St. Louis, which includes much of the metro’s large Jewish community of 60,000 strong.

Like Bowman, they are also both harsh critics of Israel, voting against emergency funding for Israel in its war against Hamas and have accused Eretz Yisroel of committing “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “war crimes in Gaza.

Just nine days after Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped more than 250, Bush introduced a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. Bush also voted against congressional bipartisan non-binding resolution H. Res. 771 supporting Israel in the wake of. The bipartisan resolution stated that Congress “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists” and “reaffirms the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security.”

Wesley Bell, the prosecuting attorney of St. Louis County. He ended his Senate candidacy — to instead challenge Bush for her House seat.

Bell opened his campaign bashing Bush for voting against Israel in Congress, such as voting against the Iron Dome. Saying, “We cannot give aid and comfort to terrorist organizations.”

According to the Jewish Insider, he said that the Israel-Hamas war and Bush’s comments about it had factored into his decision to run against her. “It contributed to [my decision] for the surface reasons that those comments were offensive on many levels, but also from a national security level as well.”

Since he entered the race, the Jewish community has backed Bell. From local groups to national groups, such as Democratic Majority for Israel and AIPAC (which spent a hefty sum on boosting George Latimer against Bowman in June).

After the Westchester race was called, AIPA sent a message to its members, “On Tuesday night, the pro-Israel community helped ensure anti-Israel Rep. Jamaal Bowman won’t be returning to Congress next year. With your support, we can also help defeat Rep. Cori Bush, another member of the anti-Israel Squad.”

Poling numbers show that Bell is on the rise as voters see what Bush has done in Congress in the past few years, and Bell’s profile rises ahead of the August 6th Primary.

However, St. Louis isn’t Westchester, and Bell isn’t a household name like Latimer. St. Louis’s Jewish population is just 40% of Westchester’s 150,000.

“There’s no question, it’s a harder race, but it’s definitely a winnable race,” Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel told JTA. “So he was 17 points behind before we spent any money, before anybody else spent significant money, and this race is tied.”

As of July, it’s Bush’s Race to lose — and the Jewish Community is determined to make it so.

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