Shai Graucher’s Movement of NON-STOP Chessed

Since the beginning of the milchama in Gaza, after the Simchas Torah attack by Hamas terrorists, Rabbi Shai Graucher has raised 9 Million dollars with his B’yachad Nenatzeiach Campaign and has been on the scene in Eretz Yisroel helping those orphaned, displaced by Hamas's attacks, and heroes IDF soldiers with their families.
Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, after the Simchas Torah attack by Hamas terrorists, Rabbi Shai Graucher has raised over 9 Million dollars with his B’Yachad Nenatzeiach Campaign and together with dozens of devoted volunteers, has been on the scene in Eretz Yisroel helping both those orphaned and displaced by Hamas’s attacks, as well as our heroes IDF soldiers on the front line and the families of fallen soldiers.
Rabbi Shai Graucher, a noted author of many Seforim, is known as one of the closest people to Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L. His father, Dedi A”H, the legendary Jewish singer, passed away a few months ago, leaving a hole in Shai’s heart. He decided to create an organization where he could continue to spread his father’s light.
In a grand and awe-inspiring display of solidarity, Achdus and Ahavas Yisroel, Shai’s B’Yachad Nenatzeiach Campaign, has orchestrated a remarkable operation across Eretz Yisrael. Among the efforts, they have and continue to provide, personal visits to and financial support for the families of victims.
Since the war began, Shai and the Standing Together volunteer team stood as unwavering pillars of support for the families affected by acts of terrorism, providing nourishment and support to those in need. They opened a logistics and distribution center for items requested by the Israeli police and IDF soldiers, a rejuvenation center in Ofakim for combat soldiers entering and exiting Gaza, and a kitchen for soldiers and displaced families.
They have distributed thousands of pairs of Teffilin, kits for Chanukah and Shabbos, and tens of thousands of care packages with essential items for displaced families, including food, clothing, and essential items. They have also brought gifts for children released from Hamas captivity.
Thus far, their fleet of Chessed trucks filled with gifts has crisscrossed Eretz Yisroel, from bustling urban centers to remote outposts both in the North and South of Eretz Yisroel. Volunteers have visited army bases, providing soldiers with provisions, tailored to their specific needs, and Hospital visits to wounded soldiers and citizens. They even built a mobile laundromat machine, portable jacuzzi and more for soldiers stationed on the Gaza border.
Moreover, B’Yachad Nenatzeiach has extended a compassionate hand to the families whose lives have been irrevocably altered by the scourge of terrorism. Monetary assistance and provisions are being provided to each of these heartbroken families, as they endeavor to mend the shattered pieces of their lives.
Shai tracks his efforts with high-energy viral daily videos, always beginning with “this is what we did today,” as well as weekly summaries.
Recently, philanthropist Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein, partners with B’Yachad Nenatzeiach have donated thousands of the newest edition Schottenstein Artscroll Talmud Bavli Shas to IDF soldiers for their Daf Yomi.
The soldiers, who unflinchingly devote themselves to the cause of defending the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel, have expressed their profound gratitude for the food and basics they’ve received. These deliveries are providing them with the strength and inspiration to persist in the face of adversity and challenge.
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