Rockland County: Senator Bill Weber Meets With Belz Rabbanim and Askanim

NYS Senator Bill Weber met with community Rabbanim and Askanim of Belz in Monsey
Rockland County, NY: New York State Senator Bill Weber met with community Rabbanim and Askanim on Monday, October 28. The Senator visited Machzikei Hadas of Belz on Maple Terrace, where he met with the Belzer Dayan of Monsey, Hagaon Harav Betzalel Tovia Wettenstein shlit”a. Yeshiva education was a primary focus of the conversation, including a discussion on school vouchers critical for parents struggling with tuition payments.
Senator Weber delineated how he has already begun work on pushing for school vouchers with state and federal partners, an endeavor that will take time, and no small amount of effort but which he aims to achieve.
The meeting with the Belzer Dayan was followed by a meeting with Belzer Rabbanim and Askunim where those present expressed their Hakaras Hatov to the Senator for his strong and constant efforts to assist constituents since his first day in office.
Attendees also expressed appreciation for the Senator’s staunch support of the Yeshiva system, whereupon the Senator reiterated his willingness to stand up for that time-proven educational bastions despite the destructive, targeted actions of the NYS Department of Education.
Attendees, including Rabbi Bezalel Tuvia Weinstein Shlita, Rabbi Asher Zelig Osterlitz, Rabbi Mendel Hersh Klein, Rabbi Shmuel Binyamin Stein, and other prominent local Rabbanim, thanked the Senator for his constant support and wished him Hatzlacha in the upcoming election.
After a brief overview of the unique needs and functions of the community, the Senator discussed how he will endeavor to continue to assist the community in a variety of ways.
“Outreach events such as this, where we discuss unique community needs, have always been an important part of what I do as Senator,” Senator Weber said. “Having reached the incredible milestone of providing assistance to more than 1,500 individuals throughout the 38th District in under two years is only a stepping stone for the future when I plan to assist so many more throughout the district.”
— (@Frum_News) November 4, 2024
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