Republican Candidate for NJ Governor Visits Linden Jewish Community

2025 Republican candidate for New Jersey Governor Jack Ciattarelli, visited the flourishing and expanding Jewish Chasidish Kehila of Linden, New Jersey, today ahead of the presidential election
Union County, NJ – 2025 Republican candidate for New Jersey Governor Jack Ciattarelli, visited the flourishing and expanding Jewish Chasidish Kehila of Linden, New Jersey, today ahead of the presidential election to discuss the importance of voting and to support the Re-Election campaign for Republican Congressman Tom Kean (NJ-7) a longtime friend of the Jewish community.
The NJ Gubernatorial candidate started the morning in Linden, for a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) rally with members and activists of the Jewish Community.
“You don’t have to wait until Election Day to vote! Tell your family, friends and community members to do their part and have their voice be heard by voting early.” Ciattarelli said.
Jack Ciattarelli is the Republican candidate for New Jersey Governor next year in 2025, his campaign is focused on Public Safety – Law & Order, and lowering taxes for NJ residents.
Ciattarelli is a friend and ally to the Jewish community, he visited Lakewood among many other large Jewish communities in New Jersey recently, he is a strong supporter of Yeshivas and Israel.
11/06/2024 | ה' חשון התשפ"ה
I hope Jack wins
11/03/2024 | ב' חשון התשפ"ה
Why hasn’t Curtis Bashaw visited Linden?
10/31/2024 | כ"ט תשרי התשפ"ה
Yidden, Vote Republican. The Democrats have become a den of Socialists, Progressives, Islamists, BLM antisemites. This is a new Democratic Party. It’s not the party of your parents and grandparents . They support criminals, not the police; they support radical transgender surges without asking for parental consent; they want Israel to lose this war that they never started and will not send the missiles Israel needs to survive. Whether or not you support the State of Israel, you want your brothers and sisters, AM Yisroel, Hashem’s people to live safe and sound on their borders without being attacked by 7th century savages, who want our total annihilation. The Republican Party today is your parents Democratic Party of yesterday. A vote for Kamala is not a smart vote. She was VP for 4 years, the Border Czar and we have 20,0000,000 illegals including, antisemites, criminals, mental cases, . . . . .You would be foolish to trust her. We Yidden, can only trust in Hashem, but we cannot make unwise choices. We live in Galus. This Presidential Election affects us directly, so we must unanimously stand as one people and vote for Trump, who is not an anti semite, and pray to Hashem to lead Trump in the right way.
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