Remembering U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman On His First Yahrzeit

Today marks the first yahrzeit of U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, the first Shomer Shabbos Senator, a staunch supporter of Eretz Yisroel, and a champion of issues related to the Jewish community
Today marks one year since the passing (the first yahrzeit) of former United States Senator and vice presidential candidate Joseph (Yosef) I. Lieberman, he was niftar in New York City due to complications after a fall, at the age of 82.
Joe Lieberman was born in Stamford, Connecticut, on 7 Adar, 5702. His father was a former bakery truck driver who eventually saved enough to buy a liquor store.
In 1992, Joe was elected to the U.S. Senate, representing Connecticut, and served until his retirement in 2012. He was the first Shomer Shabbos Senator, a staunch supporter of Eretz Yisroel, and a champion of issues related to the Jewish community.
He was also the first Jew on a national ticket of a national party, as the Vice Presidential candidate in 2000, alongside Democrat Al Gore.
A high-profile champion of Shabbat observance.
In 2009, Sen. Joe Lieberman made a massive Kiddush Hashem, when he walked 5 miles on Shabbos from his Shul in Georgetown to vote on amendments to the Affordable Care Act.
The kvura was in his hometown of Stamford, CT.
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
It’s hard to overstate the impact and place of Sen (& VP Candidate Yosef Leiberman) in American Jewish history. He stood as a shining light of Jewish pride and Jewish leadership. On a personal and communal level, this news is deeply tragic. What a loss.
— Rabbi S Litvin (@BluegrassRabbi) March 27, 2024
Deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman z”l.
I first approached Senator Lieberman two decades ago to discuss preserving Jewish cemeteries abroad. Since then our relationship has been one of friendship and mentorship.
Senator Lieberman graciously…
— Simcha Eichenstein (@SEichenstein) March 27, 2024
It is so rare for a politician to also be a true gentleman. Joe Lieberman somehow managed it. He was an exemplary Kiddush Hashem and a true mensch. His visit to Beverly Hills Synagogue in 2015 was memorable and enjoyable. Baruch Dayan Ha’emet.
— Pini Dunner (@pinidunner) March 27, 2024
Sara and I grieve with Hadassah and the entire Leiberman family on the passing of our beloved Joe Leiberman.
Joe was an exemplary public servant, an American patriot and a matchless champion of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.
In my very first meeting with him…
— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) March 27, 2024
Agudath Israel of America notes with sadness the passing of Joseph “Joe” Lieberman, former senator from Connecticut and vice-presidential nominee, at the age of 82.
Joe Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew himself, was a friend of Agudath Israel and the Orthodox Jewish community,…
— Agudath Israel of America (@AgudahNews) March 28, 2024
#BREAKING Joe Lieberman, the former US Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate has died after sustaining a fall last night. A great Jewish leader and a real American patriot. Honored to have known him. A shocking loss.
B’DE— Chaskel Bennett (@ChaskelBennett) March 27, 2024
I remember the day when Joe Lieberman was nominated by Al Gore as his running mate making history as the role in history that a Jewish person was on the Presidential Ticket and holding my head high in a proud moment for the Jewish people. He made us proud and he brought honor to…
— Ezra Friedlander (@EzraFriedlander) March 27, 2024
A Helping Hand
After winning his election, Senator Joe Liberman receives a dollar and blessing for him and his family from the Rebbe.
— Jewish Educational Media (@JEMediaOrg) March 19, 2024
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