Queens: NYPD, Shmira Investigating Two Abduction Attempts in Kew Gardens Hills (Exclusive Update)

Queens Shmira issued a community-wide alert for Kew Gardens Hills after two suspected attempted kidnappings in close vicinity of each other were reported on Wednesday.
By FrumNews.com
Editors note: Since publishing the article, Shabsie Saphirstein, Community Outreach Coordinator of Queens Shmira, has provided FrumNews.com with a timeline of the events to set the record straight regarding Wednesday night’s ordeal. The update follows our original coverage.
Queens Shmira (Queens Borough Safety Patrol) issued a community-wide alert for Kew Gardens Hills after two suspected attempted kidnappings in close vicinity of each other were reported on Wednesday.
Shmira stated the two suspected attempted abductions were in close vicinity of one another between 141st Street and 147th Street between 71st Road and 72nd Road. The suspects in both incidents were three males of Hispanic ethnicity. The first incident involved a red pickup truck, and the second was a white pickup truck. Shmira said they suspect a third vehicle was used
NYPD confirmed that they are investigating the incident and are taking the case seriously.
NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor provided an update on Thursday in a video message to the community: “As of right now, it appears there’s nothing to be concerned about. However, of course, as always, always remind your children to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings. Know the importance of stranger danger awareness. Do the best we can to all our kids.”
Deputy Chief Taylor also thanked Queens Shmira for their “help with obtaining camera footage, your help with getting words to the community, and help with our outreach efforts is remarkable. And appreciated to the community.”
FrumNews.com was told that NYPD and Shmira are adding patrols in the community.
Shmira stressed there is no need to panic but urged parents to speak with their children and raise awareness of the need to always be vigilant and walk in groups.
Update, Friday, 12:45 AM:
Queens Shmira would like to set the record straight regarding Wednesday night’s ordeal:
“Shortly before 530 p.m. Wednesday, the Queens Shmira hotline was alerted to the initial incident by the parents of a three-year-old girl who had returned with her mother from an afternoon at a nearby park a half hour prior.
“Upon arrival on their block, the mom observed a male walking on the sidewalk as a maroon pick up truck traveled along the roadway at an exceptionally slow rate. To her, it appeared that the men from the vehicle, and the man on the sidewalk were connected. Moments later, she observed all three men waving at her daughter. While the young girl, thankfully, never acknowledged the men, her mother, frightened, jumped into action.
“Quickly advancing toward her daughter, she hastily grabbed the youngster and ran down their block, smartly moving past their residence to ensure that any potential wrongdoers did not know where they reside. Moving ever so slowly, with a white sedan tailing close behind, the pickup truck vanished and has not been seen since.
“Simultaneously, a white pickup truck just a few blocks away is said to have come upon women monitoring their children enjoying an afternoon in a kiddie pool. Men departed this vehicle, and snapped photographs of the area. While quite concerning, this occurrence continues to be sourced.
“Not two hours later, three men inside a white pickup truck incited fear in a nine-year-old yeshivah student when the vehicle stopped beside the youth, and one man departed. This individual is said to have advanced toward the boy and given chase while the visibly shaken boy who had been collecting charity from neighbors for a known organization, ran up the block to his awaiting mother.
“Once verifying these concerning incidents that had occurred in such a close timeframe, Queens Shmira opted to release a community-wide alert for increased vigilance as the investigations pursued. It should be noted that each set of parents dialed 911 at our direction immediately following their report to our hotline.
“Queens Shmira commends local NYPD command for attending to these incidents with the attention and detail they deserve. We additionally acknowledge the direction of Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, commanding officer of the NYPD’s Community Affairs Bureau, for ensuring that all divisions of the department were properly deployed.
“Queens Shmira continues to pursue incoming leads as necessary and urges parents to discuss the importance of being aware of surroundings with their children and the need to always walk in groups to avoid unwanted and unwarranted eyes.”
Shmira is asking the community with any video camera footage in that area to please contact the Queens Shmira hotline at (718) 329-4444.
Watch: NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor provided an update regarding the suspected attempted kidnapping on Thursday in a video message for the Kew Garden Hills community pic.twitter.com/dALHyETbKj
— FrumNews.com (@Frum_News) July 12, 2024
1 Comment
07/15/2024 | ט' תמוז התשפ"ד
Thank you NYPD and Shmira for investigating this. Is there any update? Were the suspects identified, questioned or arrested?
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