Ohio Expand Kosher Options for WIC Recipients

Agudath Israel of Ohio has announced that WIC Ohio expanded the list of available foods to include a variety of Cholov Yisroel cheeses and yogurts, Pas Yisroel bread, Bishul Yisroel tuna, and grape juice.

Agudath Israel of Ohio has announced that WIC Ohio expanded the list of available foods to include a variety of Cholov Yisroel cheeses and yogurts, Pas Yisroel bread, Bishul Yisroel tuna, and grape juice. The foods will begin appearing on WIC-approved store shelves in the coming weeks.

Gesher, a branch of Agudath Israel of Ohio which assists the Cleveland community with government programs, resources, and referrals, reached out to WIC Ohio to work on expanding the kosher options available. Originally, the request was turned down due to budget constraints, but Gesher worked with an official at WIC who helped resolve the concerns and the expansion was approved to proceed.

Following approval, Gesher worked closely with the State to include kosher items that meet WIC policies and guidelines. This included creating a list of products that met the kosher standards and WIC’s guidelines for approved foods by cross-referencing other states’ lists, researching which products are available in Ohio, and registering all the products with WIC Ohio.

To ensure that the new WIC-approved items will be available to consumers, Gesher collaborated with WIC-approved stores and distributors; the products will be on shelves within the next few weeks.

Historically, Agudath Israel of Ohio has been involved in helping members of the Jewish community benefit from WIC. Gesher advocated for a WIC office to open in a location easily accessible to the Cleveland community. In 2009, Agudath Israel of Ohio worked with WIC to expand the availability of Cholov Yisroel milk in WIC-approved stores across Ohio.

“Adding more kosher options enables many more families in the community to take advantage of WIC, ensuring that they receive proper nutrition,” said Mrs. Chana Barrett, director of Gesher. “We are grateful to the WIC office for working with us on this project.”

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