Agudas Yisroel Delegation Fights for Armed Security Guards at NY Mosdos

Meeting with Frum Asemblymember Sam Berger. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum

Agudah’s three-part advocacy mission to the states capital in Albany NY. The mission consisted of delegates, including Rabbi Yeruchim Silber met with their legislators and discussed issues facing our frum communities and Yeshiva's in New York State.

Albany, New York – The second installment in Agudah’s three-part advocacy mission to the states capital in Albany NY. The week’s mission consisted of delegates from Queens and 5 Towns/Long Island who traveled to meet with their legislators and discuss issues facing their frum communities and Yeshiva’s.

Since the Simchas Torah attacks, antisemitism has been increasing rapidly. This unfortunate uptick is especially apparent in New York State, which is home to hundreds of Jewish schools. Therefore, ensuring our children’s safety in schools is paramount, and one of Agudath Israel’s top priorities.

The Nonpublic School Safety Equipment Grant (NPSE) reimburses private schools in New York State for safety and security measures, an improvement in their ability to keep their students safe, Agudah advocates encouraged all the legislators they met with to support a doubling of the NPSE allocation to $90 million.

Another issue on the table was universal school lunch. Last year, the New York State budget included an allocation that partially funded universal school meals. Agudah, together with other advocates, is advocating strongly for an allocation to fully fund universal school meals for private schools.

“Agudah’s Queens/Long Island Albany Day was a unique opportunity to experience the world of advocacy that Agudah is involved with daily,” said Rabbi Ari Ginian, executive director of Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island. “The security and safety of their students is of the upmost priority to all schools. Going to Albany gives us the opportunity to speak with our legislators and communicate to them what our current security situation is like on the ground and impress on them the vital need for increased security funding for Mosdos.”

“Agudah firmly believes in the importance of legislators having the opportunity to meet their constituents face-to-face, really getting to see the communities they represent,” said Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, director of New York government relations. “Bringing groups of community members to Albany facilitates that goal and helps Agudah better advocate for our dear communities and Yeshiva’s.”

  • Meeting with Asemblymember David Weprin. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Asemblymember Steve Stern. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Frum Senator Simcha Felder
  • L-R: Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Asemblymember Steve Stern, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Chaim Schauder. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Mrs. Tova Fried, Miss Miri Szpilzinger, Miss Perel Moses, Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Moshe Katz; Front: Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Frum Assemblymember Sam Berger, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with State Senator Jack Martins. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Moshe Katz, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Mrs. Tova Fried, Miss Miri Szpilzinger, Miss Perel Moses; Front: Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Asemblymember Andrew Hevesi, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Rabbi Chaim Schauder. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Asemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Miss Miri Szpilzinger, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Chaim Schauder; Front: Miss Perel Moses, Mrs. Tova Fried, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Moshe Katz.. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Asemblymember Andrew Hevesi. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Asemblymember Charles Lavine. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Helene Weinstein, Chairwoman of the Ways and Means
  • Meeting with Frum Asemblymember Sam Berger. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Michael Novakhov
  • L-R: Back: Miss Miri Szpilzinger, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Chaim Schauder; Front: Miss Perel Moses, Mrs. Tova Fried, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Moshe Katz. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Sam Verstandig, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Moshe Katz, Ephraim Gurell; Front: Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Asemblymember David Weprin, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Rabbi Moshe Katz, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Ephraim Gurell. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Miss Perel Moses, Ephraim Gurell, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Miss Miri Szpilzinger; Front: Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Asemblymember Charles Lavine, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • L-R: Back: Miss Miri Szpilzinger, Miss Perel Moses, Rabbi Ami Bazov, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz, Rabbi Chaim Schauder, Sam Verstandig, Rabbi Ari Ginian, Rabbi Moshe Katz, Ephraim Gurell, Mrs. Tova Fried; Front: Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus, Asemblymember David Weprin, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber. Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America/ Moshe Gershbaum
  • Meeting with Assemblymember Brook-Krasny

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  • Yeruchim 07/22/2024 | ט"ז תמוז התשפ"ד

    Rabbi Silber is the best

  • Agudah fan 07/22/2024 | ט"ז תמוז התשפ"ד

    Kudos to Agudah for always advocating for the spiritual and physical well being of our Yeshiva students

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