New Business Alliance Powered by BPJCC Will Support Boro Park Businesses

The Boro Park JCC created a Business Alliance for the community to maximizing the full potential of breadwinners and the businesses that employ them throughout Boro Park.
By M.C. Millman
Borough Park, Brooklyn – Local businesses today face unique challenges. The effort required to meet those challenges can take a toll on the families that are the fabric that holds together the Boro Park community.
Recognizing these challenges, The BPJCC sought to create a Business Alliance under the leadership of its director, Boruch Sternglantz. The Business Alliance’s goal is maximizing the full potential of breadwinners and the businesses that employ them throughout Boro Park.
Funded by New York City Small Business Services, new programs will include the development of a merchant association of local businesses to ensure and build up support for local businesses, so they won’t have to stand alone.
In addition to offering general support and help for businesses navigating daily challenges, the Business Alliance plans to organize professional development, local networking events, street fairs, and more, creating a unique opportunity for local businesses and the community.
The Business Alliance released a new survey for Boro Park merchants and consumers to share individual perspectives on the community’s needs.
Filling out the survey will affect the direction of future funding for the projects the community expresses the strongest need for.
“We can only succeed in knowing what the community needs through input from the community,” BPJCC CEO Avi Greenstein states. “A few minutes of your time can and will make a difference for Boro Park Businesses.”
To make your voice matter in the effort to improve Boro Park, merchants, consumers, and commercial property owners can complete a brief survey.
Merchants Click Here
Consumers Click Here
Commercial Property Owners Click Here
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