Lakewood Community Among Highest NJ Birth Rate as Jewish Community Flourishes

According to newly released data, Lakewood and its surrounding frum townships had more births per household than any other in New Jersey.
According to released data, Lakewood and its surrounding frum townships had more births per household than any other in the great state of New Jersey.
According to the New Jersey Department of Health, 102,890 babies were born statewide. Broken down by ethnicity, 45,886 were white, 30,683 were Hispanic, 12,500 were Black, 10,306 were Asian, and 34 were American Indian/Alaska Native, 1,280 were other, and 1,515 were more than two races.
5,264 births were recorded in Lakewood Township, the highest in the state. The second highest was Jersey City at 3919, closely followed by Newark at 3,900.
Nearby communities that had a boom in their Frum Jewish population also saw their birth rates up. Toms River had 1,060 births, and Jackson had 1,006 births.
Taking a closer look at the data, Ocean County—where Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River, Brick and Manchester are located—has the highest birth rates at 10,210 births in the entire state of New Jersey. Just ahead of Essex County at 10,134 (which includes the large city of Newark).
The change is undoubtedly due to the higher birth rates in the Jewish Communities, and it’s not just Lakewood. According to data from the New York City Department of Health, Boro Park and Williamsburg (South) had the highest birth rates in New York City at 22.4 and 16.7 per 1000 population respectively. Crown Heights (South) and Flatbush also had high rates at 12.6 and 12.0.
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