Monsey: Frum Mechaneches Wins Library Trustee Position in Rockland

In a historic vote, Mrs. Esther Waldman, a Monsey-based Mechaneches, won one of three trustee positions at the Finkelstein Memorial Library.
By and Rockland Daily
Rockland County, NY — In a historic vote, Mrs. Esther Waldman, a Monsey-based Mechaneches, won one of three trustee positions at the Finkelstein Memorial Library.
The vote was held yesterday in the East Ramapo School district, which includes the Frum communities of Monsey/Spring Valley, New Square and Pomona..
“I am very excited to be able to actually help people in the community get access to the services they deserve and already pay for,” Mrs. Waldman told Rockland Daily.
Mrs. Waldman, a Title I director in New Square, ran with the aim of adding more quality Yiddishe books and literature to the Finkelstein Memorial Library and making it more accessible to frum communities.
She was elected for a five-year term and is joined by Vivian Stree and Sandra Duncan.
The library also passed its budget, which passed with 432 yes votes to 257 no votes. The budget includes an average increase of $11 per year per household or about three dollars more per person per year.
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