Candidate for NYC Mayor, Visits the Boro Park Jewish Community

In preparation for Sukkos, the NYC Comptroller and Mayoral candidate for the City of New York, Brad Lander, visited the Boro Park Jewish community
In preparation for Sukkos, the NYC Comptroller and Mayoral candidate for the City of New York, Brad Lander, visited the Boro Park Jewish community.
The visit was arranged and accompanied by Askun Ezra Friedlander, who is a close friend with the Comptroller.
He was joined by community activist Ushi Teitelbaum, Rabbi Chesky Blau prominent Bobov-45 Askun and Pinny Hikind special assistant to the NYC Comptroller.
Lander was warmly welcomed by community residents on the streets of Borough Park and visited local establishments including Satmar Meat on 13th Avenue.
Afterwards they went to the Daled Minim Shuk on 13th Avenue, Lander who is Jewish, has made it an annual tradition to purchase his Lulav and Esrog with Ezra Friedlander in Boro Park.
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