CommSAR Rapid Response: Search and Rescue in North Carolina

Community Search and Rescue (CommSAR) dispatched a Rapid Response Team to North Carolina following severe flooding that left many residents without essential services


Asheville, NC – CommSAR (Community Search and Rescue) dispatched a Rapid Response Team last week Tuesday to North Carolina following severe devastating flooding that left many residents without essential services after Hurricane Helene. In partnership with the Sherrif’s office, local fire departments and the Chabad House of Asheville, North Carolina, they assisted with search and rescue for missing people, evacuating seniors and residents who were without food, water, electricity, or phone service. While FEMA, the National Guard, and state agencies worked to restore services, the immediate priority of local agencies was reaching those in urgent need.

With the situation dire, CommSAR responded swiftly, bringing a multi-disciplined team consisting of command staff, a medical unit, and a ropes team. The team also arrived fully equipped with medical and extrication gear to handle various rescue scenarios.

CommSAR coordinated with other responding agencies to divide tasks and ensure everyone was accounted for. The achdus (unity) among responders was palpable, as they raced against time to reach people while they were still alive.

During this deployment, CommSAR members also had the unique opportunity to celebrate Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) with the local community. For many, it was their first encounter with a group of frum (religiously observant) people, and the experience was moving. Seniors were brought to tears as they watched CommSAR members leining the Torah (reading the Torah), davening (praying) for the Amud (prayer stand), putting up mezuzos (religious scrolls placed on doorposts), and engaging with the community. It was an emotional and spiritual moment for both the responders and the locals.

Sunday, CommSAR continued assisting law enforcement with resupply missions to families cut off from essential services. Many roads remained washed out, so each mission required a thorough safety evaluation to determine the necessary tools for a safe and successful operation. Another CommSAR team arrived today to provide additional support.

Few people truly understand the power of water. Whether it’s slow-dripping water, which gradually wears down material over time (like the Talmudic sage Rabbi Akiva observed), or a massive surge of water that can twist steel and uproot homes, bridges, and roads. Just six inches of water can reach the bottom of most passenger cars and cause drivers to lose control. A foot of water will float many vehicles. The best advice when faced with such conditions is: “Turn around – Don’t Drown!”

From a storm perspective, the worst is over. Now, CommSAR teams are focused on resupplying stranded families who have run out of food and water, while also assisting the community in distributing basic necessities.

North Carolina is renowned for its deep sense of caring and community spirit. CommSAR is deeply thankful to the Sheriff’s office and fire departments, who stand by their communities every day of the year. It has been an honor for CommSAR to assist in these critical times, and are grateful to the local responders for welcoming the team into their efforts.

CommSAR is a proud member of the NY Federation of Search and Rescue Teams and the Search and Rescue Council of New Jersey. CommSAR‘s new branch in Waterbury, Connecticut, now serves the state and provides quicker response to northern states when needed. CommSAR remains committed to aiding those in need and will continue to provide support as long as necessary.

Video of CommSAR in action in North Carolina

Video of CommSAR members helping a local resident affix a Mezuzah on her home

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