U.S. Senator, Sheriff, Honor Chabad of Florida

United States Senator Rick Scott & Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno welcomed back Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Shliach of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida at a Private Ceremony from his Chizuk visit to Israel to support the IDF Soldiers & Israeli Citizens.

by FrumNews.com

South Florida – United States Senator Rick Scott & Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno welcomed back Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Shliach of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida at a Private Ceremony from his Chizuk visit to Israel to support the IDF Soldiers & Israeli Citizens.

Senator Rick Scott Thanked Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz for his efforts on behalf of Israel & asked Rabbi Minkowicz to share with all in attendance the details of the Trip.

Senator Rick Scott Presented Rabbi Minkowicz with A Medal of Honor in recognition of all the Rabbis efforts for Israel & pledged to continue his constant Support for Israel.

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno thanked Rabbi Minkowicz for his actions on behalf of Israel & pledged to continue to protect the Southwest Florida Jewish Community from any acts of Antisemitism.

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  • Pushateeh Yid 08/31/2024 | כ"ז אב התשפ"ד

    Ty 😊 Ty 😊 Ty 😊
    Senator Rick Scott & Sheriff Carmine Marceno … Your help as well as good wishes are appreciated 👏 by all ….
    >>>> AHM YISRAEL CHAI <<<<

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