Report: Biden Family Criticizes Top Aides As Democrats Shift Blame After “Disastrous” Debate

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a get out the vote event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 5, 2022. Photo: Christopher Dilts/Biden For President

President Joe Biden’s family members privately criticized his top campaign advisors at Camp David, holding them responsible for his debate performance, according to a report in Politico. 


President Joe Biden’s family members privately criticized his top campaign advisors at Camp David, holding them responsible for his debate performance, according to a report in Politico. 

His family urged Biden to take action against his political team, but it’s unclear if he will heed their advert.

According to the report, the family’s complaints included Biden’s lack of preparation to pivot and attack, his focus on defending his record rather than outlining a vision for a second term, and his exhaustion and lack of rest.

The criticism was directed at various staffers, including Anita Dunn, senior advisor and frequent confidant, Bob Bauer, the president’s attorney and Ron Klain, former chief of staff and debate prep leader.

First Lady Jill, and his son Hunter were the loudest voices urging the president to stay in the 2024 contest. The Biden family also expected to huddle to discuss the best way to reassure Democrats that staying in the race is the right decision.

Biden’s allies and staff have also attributed his poor performance to CNN’s failure to fact-check Trump, among other things.

Since the disastrous debate performance by Biden, Democrats have been “freaking out” ahead of the Democratic convention in August. Some have even suggested electing a new primary (though it seems like a long shot). 

Biden has acknowledged that the debate did not go well. On Friday, he said, “I don’t debate as well as I used to.” But emphasized that he “would not be running again if I did not believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job.”

According to Axios, one lawmaker told them, “I don’t ever want to see him here; every single donor — and I’m only calling major donors — is furious and wants him to step aside.”

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