Davening, Torah and Chessed Doesn’t Stop In Woodbourne — A Peek Into The Woodbourne Shul

Over the past decade, the charismatic Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis shlit”a, the Nikolsburger Rebbe, has been a growing fixture in the Catskills during the summer season. He serves as Rav of the historic “Congregation Bnei Israel” shul in Woodbourne, which is a nerve center of Jewish life in the Catskills, serving the entire Sullivan County.

By FrumNews.com 

Over the past decade, the charismatic Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis shlit”a, the Nikolsburger Rebbe, has been a growing fixture in the Catskills during the summer season. He serves as Rav of the historic “Congregation Bnei Israel” shul in Woodbourne, which is a nerve center of Jewish life in the Catskills, serving the entire Sullivan County.

The Historic Congregation Bnai Israel building – in the past, it served such luminaries as Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and the Tzehlimer Rav zt”l – has become a major draw for summer vacationers looking to
grab a minyan and a quick bite on the go. It offers the region’s busiest center of minyanim for Shachris, Mincha and Maariv literally around the clock. It is a warm, welcoming abode for
yidden of all backgrounds to daven, learn or have some cake and coffee.

In the past years, the Shul saw a particularly pronounced renaissance, with over 80,000 yidden, bli ayin hora, walking through its doors. The Rebbe and his team are hard at work to make this summer the greatest one ever at the Nikolburger Shul, preparing the facilities – and a full stock of food, drink and amenities – for when the doors open on Thursday, June 20th, to accommodate the earliest arrivers.

More than the sheer numbers, the Woodbourne Shul has gained a growing dedicated following due to the unique spirit within its walls. Every visitor, whether he wears a Biber Hat, bent down hat or knitted Yarmulke, feels as if the Shul is targeted to him. Because it is. “The Shul is named ‘Bnei Yisroel’ because that’s what it is,” the Rebbe explains. “Every yid can call it home.”

If there are any two words that can best describe the Nikolsburger Rebbe, they are “Ahavas Yisroel.” The Rebbe is renowned for his acceptance and genuine love of every yid – of any background, in any state. The Nikolsburger Shul on 16th Avenue in Boro Park has long been the home for countless bachurim and men who may feel unwelcome in other venues. Their sense of belonging to that special kehilla – and all its joy and vibrancy – has saved many a neshama from despair, both emotionally and spiritually.

Despite his many crucial communal activities, the Rebbe offers the Woodbourne Shul – and everyone who walks through its doors – his undivided attention. He is personally in the Shul throughout the day, all season. Hugs and smiles greet all mispallelim, and the Rebbe makes it his business that everyone leaves happier than they arrived. The inspirational stories of each summer season at the Shul can fill a book – from secular Jews returning to their roots to frum youth overcoming their challenges, and everything in between. 

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  • Yitzchok 08/01/2024 | כ"ו תמוז התשפ"ד

    I saw this published on a WhatsApp Group. Wow just wow!

    The Nikolsburg Rebbe son just told me in woodburn that there’s minyanim for marriv until 4:30am
    And then the first shachris at netz
    Thousands of people daven at klali Yisroels Shul every day of the summer

  • Jack 08/01/2024 | כ"ו תמוז התשפ"ד

    Rabbi Yungriezs is a big tzadick

  • 24/7 Chessed 08/01/2024 | כ"ו תמוז התשפ"ד

    The Woodborne Shul is a home for 24/7 Chessed. Everyone feels not just welcome, but that they are part of the community

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