Lakewood: 17,000 Welcome Gedolei Hador At BMG’s Keren Olam HaTorah Asifah

A historic Asifah of Kovod Hatorah as approximately 17,000 Yidden braved the extreme heat-wave, then heavy rain as they packed into the large outdoor parking lot near Beis Medrash Govoha (BMG) and greeted with a Kabalas Panim six Roshei Yeshivas and Gedolei Hador, who recently arrived from Eretz Yisroel to Lakewood.
Lakewood, NJ – A historic Asifah of Kovod Hatorah was experienced as approximately 17,000 men, women and children braved the extreme heat-wave, then heavy rain as they packed into the large outdoor parking lot near Beis Medrash Govoha (BMG) Bais Shalom/Aharon Batei Medrashim at 10th and Clifton in Lakewood and greeted with a Kabalas Panim six Roshei Yeshivas and Gedolei Hador, who recently arrived from Eretz Yisroel to Lakewood.
The six roshei Yeshiva and Gedolei Torah—Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, the Rachmastrivker Rebbe, Rav Don Segal, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Dov Landau and Rav Avraham Salim—are in the United States on a fundraising mission Keren Olam HaTorah, a fund to raise the $107 million to replace the funding that was recently cut by the Israeli government from Yeshivos and Kollelim across Eretz Yisroel.
17,000 Yidden gathered to show a united front of support for Lomdei Torah and Kavod Hatorah across the world as the Israeli government fights the Yeshivos and Kollelim over the military draft.
The event mirrors last week’s third annual BMG Maamad Adirei Hatorah at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Arena, 25,000 Yidden celebrated Limud Hatorah and the 7,568 Yungerleit living it at Beis Medrash Govoha (BMG). And Dirshu’s pre-Shavuos ‘Kabbalas Shabbos’ Maamad at the Prudential Arena in Newark, NJ.
✡️ — VID: 15 thousand Yidden attend the launch of the Keren Olam Hatorah with the participation of Gdolei Yisroel outside BMG in Lakewood. The massive campaign aims to raise $107 Million for Bnei Yeshivah in Eretz Yisroel which was cut off by the Israeli Government.
— Belaaz News (@TheBelaaz) June 24, 2024
1 Comment
06/27/2024 | כ"א סיון התשפ"ד
The event cost me a hat and a shirt (ruined by the rain) but it was well worth it!!
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