New York State To Deploy National Guard To The MTA Subways in NYC

Serge Lambotte/ Unsplash

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced plans to deploy 250 members of the NY National Guard to patrol the NYC Subway System ahead of New Years

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced plans to deploy the NY National Guard and state police to patrol the NYC Subway System, following the rise of high-profile crime in the subway system ahead of the upcoming holiday season and new years.

Governor Hochul is directing the National Guard to make 250 additional members available to law enforcement.

According to Hochul, Subway crime is down 10%, although many riders that actually use the subway on a daily basis traveling to and from work, say it does not seem that way.

One Williamsburg reader told, “The far-left progressives in this City and State are handcuffing the police department by allowing emotionally disturbed and violent individuals to roam the NYC Subway system en-mass freely.

On the rare occasion, that a heroic rider stepped in recently to stop an individual that was a clear danger to society, our liberal elected officials sided against that hero.

This means that the MTA, Mayor, Governor, State Legislators, Council members and elected officials are not serious about fighting crime. They care more about obsessively taxing everyday New Yorkers because if they would clean up the subway system, charge and hold the criminals responsible, there would be more riders using public transportation on their own.”

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  • די אמת 12/20/2024 | י"ט כסלו התשפ"ה

    אלעס איז נאר וואס מזאגט גארנישט דארף זיין אמת

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