Pro-Israel Candidate Nearly Topples “Squad” Member in Pittsburgh Primary

Rep. Summer Lee, the far-left congresswoman, has fended off her opponent by 21%, (with 99% of the expected vote counted), Bhavini Patel. Patel fought the far-left “Squad” member, Rep. Lee, over her radical views, especially the congresswoman's attacks against Eretz Yisroel.
Pittsburgh, PA — Rep. Summer Lee, the far-left congresswoman, has fended off her opponent by 21%, (with 99% of the expected vote counted), Bhavini Patel.
Bhavini Patel, an Edgewood Borough Council member in Pittsburgh, fought the far-left “Squad” member, Rep. Lee, over her radical views, especially the congresswoman’s attacks against Eretz Yisroel.
“This race was about so much more than me or my opponent,” opponent Bhavini Patel said after her defeat. “It was about passing common sense laws that put money in working families’ pockets. It was about standing up to hate and stopping Anti-Semitism. And it was about making sure President Biden gets reelected in November.” highlighted this important race two weeks ago. Since the Milchama broke out in Eretz Yisroel, after Hamas terrorists attacked and massacred 1200 Yidden and kidnapped hundreds on Simchas Torah, the public sentiment in the US has been mostly positive for Eretz Yisroel, especially in Congress.
However, Rep. Summer Lee, the self-named far-left “Squad” in Congress, has been bashing Israel ever since the war began. Lee represents large parts of Pittsburgh (which includes the large Frum Pittsburgh community of Squirrel Hill) and faced a hard reelection due to her views and attacks on Eretz Yisroel.
Over the past months, Rep. Lee has gone out of her way to attack Eretz Yisroel each day since, as summarized by the American Jewish Congress (edited for brevity):
- U.S. Representative Summer Lee has a history of making controversial remarks and has voted repeatedly against legislation supporting Israel.
- Rep. Lee voted against House Resolution 798, which would condemn the support of terrorist organizations and antisemitism on college campuses.
- After the attacks on Simchas Torah, Lee voted against a resolution, that stated that the House of Representatives “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists” and “reaffirms the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security” and it was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.
- Lee was criticized for sharing a false social media post in which she claimed that Eretz Yisroel struck a Palestinian hospital — claims that were debunked by U.S. intelligence agencies. Lee later acknowledged the claim was in doubt. (Rep. Lee also took three weeks to delete that blood-libel post).
- In July 2023, Lee joined other far-left “Squad” members in Congress voting against a congressional resolution highlighting that “the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state,” that Congress rejects “all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia,” and that “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”
The race highlights the power of local elections, which can put even the most “national” politicians. While the radical “Squad” members might still fight against Eretz Yisroel in Congress, they will often soften their tone or back down if their constituents meet them at the ballot box.
Pittsburgh Askunim urges residents to register to vote ahead of the general election in November.
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