NYPD Awards Chabad Man Who Saved 2-Year-Old After Drowning in Monticello

NYPD awarded R’ Menachem Delevkovitz, a sergeant in the NYPD Auxiliary patrol, who was off-duty at the time, when he saved a child with CPR in the Catskills.
By FrumNews.com
On Sunday, a 2-year-old Chabad boy of Crown Heights drowned at a Lubavitch bungalow colony in Monticello. The boy was found unconscious.
R’ Menachem Delevkovitz, a colony resident of Crown Heights and sergeant in the NYPD Auxiliary patrol, who was off-duty at the time, immediately sprang into action together with the father. R’ Delevkovitz began performing CPR until Hatzalah arrived and B’Chasdei Hashem, ultimately saving the boy’s life.
Catskills Hatzalah arranged for an urgent airlift to Westchester Medical Center.
On Monday, the boy was discharged from the hospital and is going home, B’Chasdei Hashem, thanks to R’ Delevkovitz’s heroic actions.
R’ Delevkovitz was awarded by the NYPD on Monday by Captain Alexander Cedillo, Commanding Officer of the NYPD Auxiliary, during a ceremony at One Police Plaza in Manhattan.
R’ Delevkovitz related (edited for clarity):
“I was in Upstate New York, in a community pool. I looked around, and I saw that 2-year-old baby on the side of the pool, and his father screaming for help. He was blue, unresponsive, [with] no pulse, no breathing. I did my CPR course a number of years ago as part of my auxiliary training, and in one second, it clicked all in.
“I did CPR on the baby for about two minutes. After two minutes, it starts to see some signs of life. He was then driven to a chopper to hospital. Today (Monday), I was told he was back home.”
A two-year-old boy is alive today thanks to Auxiliary Sergeant Delevkovitz, who used his Auxiliary CPR training after the boy drowned and was unresponsive. Today, the baby is back with his family. So proud of our team!!! pic.twitter.com/8cQp4r7z0U
— NYPD Auxiliary (@NYPDauxiliary) July 16, 2024
Captain Cedillo, said, “A two-year-old boy is alive today thanks to Auxiliary Sergeant Delevkovitz, who used his Auxiliary CPR training after the boy drowned and was unresponsive. Today, the baby is back with his family. So proud of our (Auxiliary) team!”
FrumNews.com was informed the boy still needs tefillos. Please continue to daven for Menachem Mendel Ben Chaya Mushka.
07/29/2024 | כ"ג תמוז התשפ"ד
B”H so special to be in the right time and the right place!
07/17/2024 | י"א תמוז התשפ"ד
Menachem is the best of the best!
07/17/2024 | י"א תמוז התשפ"ד
Yeshivas, Jewish Schools and Summer Camps should teach all students of age, CPR, it’s the most important medical knowledge a person can have. And as seen it Bh saves lives.
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