NY: “Yeshivos Are Terrible, But We’ll Copy Them” – Hochul Wants Ban Smartphones in Schools

“A smart flip phone”

As New York fights Yiddishe Chinuch across the state, elected officials are mulling to take a standard from the Yeshivas and Jewish schools.

By FrumNews.com

As New York fights Yiddishe Chinuch across the state, elected officials are mulling to take a standard from the Yeshivas and Jewish schools.

A decade after lifting its ban, the state is mulling a ban on smartphones in schools. This morning, New York Governor Kathy Hochul spoke on Thursday morning of a blanket ban on smartphones in public schools across the state.

As our FrumNews.com readers know, most Yeshivos and Frum high schools already ban smartphones for their students, which improves the atmosphere for learning and the Ruchnius of the schools.

In stark contrast, most of New York’s failing public schools allow smartphones for it’s students, creating a distraction and a bad learning environment for them.

Yet, New York State elected officials in Albany keep fighting against our Yeshivos, actively making it more difficult for New York’s successful Yeshivos and Chedarim. Ironically, they even try copying our system time and time again—as we see here.

“Why are young people on their devices all day long during school hours? How are they learning? How are they multitasking in a way that they’re checking out what everybody’s going to be doing this weekend and scrolling and seeing different feeds and listening to their geometry class?” Gov. Hochul told MSNBC, “That was hard enough class for me paying attention, so this is what’s going on now. But individual schools are making decisions.”

Hochul went on to say “I’m okay if you have a flip phone,” which readers know are allowed in most Yeshivos, (termed as “Kosher Phones”).

A Melamed told FrumNews.com, “If Hochul can’t keep weapons and crime out of her public schools, what makes anyone think she could stop smartphones from entering them?”

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