NY Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato Defends Yeshiva Students and Families

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber of Agudath Israel was in attendance and praised Pheffer Amato for being a strong defender of Yeshiva education. “The Assemblywoman is our Yeshivas’ most effective advocate in Albany”
by FrumNews.com
Albany, NY – New York State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato participated in a 10-hour-long legislative hearing recently in Albany to discuss State education. During the hearing, the Assemblywoman questioned New York State Education Commissioner Betty Rosa as to why she and the NYS Board of Regents thought it was appropriate to attempt to block parents, especially nonpublic school parents, from obtaining IESP-mandated services that the school district is unable to provide. Pheffer Amato’s line of questioning was geared towards a problem that started over the summer when the Board of Regents made an amendment to the rules that in the event a school district can’t provide services, and the school district then refuses to hire a private provider, a parent can have a fair hearing. That right to due process became jeopardized when the Board of Regents looked to strip parents of that right. A judge blocked the amendment from taking place, but there is an ongoing court case.
Pheffer Amato called out the Commissioner and asked point blank, “How can denying a child service be helpful?” The Commissioner, clearly flummoxed, cited financing and alleged corruption, along with rampant misuse of funds. However, she provided no physical evidence to corroborate that statement at the hearing. Pheffer Amato responded with “Under the umbrella of corruption you are denying children services and making parents pay out of their own pocket. Your actions are looking to force a parent to pick between buying eggs or ensuring their kid has services, your action is not a solution. I need a solution now!”
Towards the end of the hearing Beatrice Weber, a member of YAFFED, testified. During the hearing, Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato called out YAFFED for promoting Anti-Semitism by claiming kids who attend yeshivas can’t read. In her opening statement this year, Weber cited that “most Jewish schools are good” with Pheffer Amato instantly saying “I appreciate that you finally recognize there are good and successful Yeshivas.” The Assemblywoman went on to challenge where YAFEED’s data came from which indicated 65,000 students are not getting a proper education. Weber claimed that they had “gathered data from across the State” and came to the conclusion that the number is 65,000. The Assemblywoman responded with “but those are your numbers, I haven’t received numbers or evidence like that from the Department of Education, so I have no idea if that testimony, or your numbers, are true.”
Rabbi Yeruchim Silber of Agudath Israel was in attendance and praised Pheffer Amato for being a strong defender of Yeshiva education. “She [Pheffer Amato] is the best ally we have, and the increase in funding Yeshivas receive for STEM education and security each year is because of her. The Assemblywoman is our Yeshivas’ most effective advocate in Albany!”
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