NJ: Momentous Simcha as Special Children’s Center Boys Celebrate Haschalas Mishnayos

Howell, New Jersey - A tremendous, milestone simcha took place when a group of Special Children’s Center bochurim celebrated their Haschalas Mishnayos in a ceremony held at the beautiful Center Farm
Howell, NJ – A tremendous, milestone simcha took place on Thursday evening, October 31st, when a group of Special Children’s Center bochurim celebrated their Haschalas Mishnayos in a moving ceremony held at the beautiful Center Farm.
The boys and their fathers, who were invited to participate in this momentous occasion to mark the beginning of their study of Mishnayos, were filled with joy and excitement throughout the event, which was capped off with the highlight of the day, the presentation of an Artscroll Mishnayos to each boy.
Founded back in 1996 by Mrs. Chaya Bender and Mrs. Jenine Shwekey, the Center has grown over the years to become a provider of loving care and an array of crucial services to approximately 1,000 families with children with special needs.
The Center treats every special needs child and every member of their family as part of their own family, giving the parents respite and a chance to breath as their children are cared for in a loving, warm environment. It can genuinely be said that The Center never takes a break, looking after the children every day, whenever the parents need a hand, and even during hectic andbusy times like erev Yom Kippur and Purim morning. is truly a family It is a truly amazing facility that provides round-the-clock. Whenever help is needed, The Center is there to provide it.
The Center Farm is located on a stunning 30-acre property in Howell. The open-air, natural beauty and pristine farm has proven to be an ideal location to improve the state-of-mind of the children and teenagers. From working on the farm and with the friendly, beautiful animals that live there, the children have seen a transformation in their lives as they learn valuable skills and take on the hands-on responsibility of errands and chores, such as caring for the horses, cleaning the stalls, picking vegetables, collecting eggs, etc. They truly learn to be the best they can be.
The boys who received their Mishnayos are veterans of the farm’s framework. After getting involved with the farmwork and caring for the animals – and learning many valuable skills and taking on many character-building responsibilities in the process – they matured in due time to starting a learning program with expert rabbeim on the farm, which ultimately led to the starting of Mishnayos.
In honor of the great simcha of the Haschalas Mishnayos, a gala seudah was arranged at the sprawling farm, with tasteful music enhancing the festive and joyful atmosphere.
The Center boys have been preparing for this day for months, learning with their beloved Rebbi, Rabbi Shafran, every day on the farm, as they grow and shteig in this unique and pastoral environment that is specifically geared towards their success in all areas.
Yaakov Shwekey, who acted as the event’s emcee, recalled the visits of numerous Gedolei Yisroel to The Center, noting how awed they all were by the purity and holiness of this one-of-a-kind institution. He related how Rav Shimon Galai shlita had told him that he only had a few minutes for his visit but ended up staying for over an hour-and-a-half, saying, that he did not want to leave such an exalted place.
“The way the neshamos of these boys connect to Torah is something tremendous,” Yaakov said. “They are so full of such simcha and such love! It is not for nothing that the Chazon Ish stood up for these holy neshamos!”
Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita, esteemed Rov of Khal Ateres Yeshaya, stated that although he usually leaves an event after delivering a speech, he would stay until the end of this historic gathering, as he did not want to miss any of it. He spoke about his long-time, personal connection to The Center, recalling how he first visited it when it was located in a basement and was serving three children, and he is overjoyed to see how it has grown to reach over 1,000 families.
“The Center never says no,” he said. “The staff of The Center, led by Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Shwekey, find a way to help each special child and each of their families.”
He then turned to the boys and proclaimed, “You are so lucky! Today, you are getting your Mishnayos!”
Speaking of the importance of learning Mishnayos, he related that Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l would learn Mishnayos from a sefer every day. When he asked him about this, Rav Moshe said, “No matter how big a person thinks he is, he must learn Mishnayos since this is the yesod of kol haTorah kulo.”
“Boys,” Rav Cohen reiterated, “you are so lucky to be able to learn the same Mishnayos that the great Rav Moshe Feinstein learned!”
Rav Cohen concluded with a quote from his grandfather, Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l. He shared that he once approached Rav Miller on behalf of a mother from his kehillah who had just given birth to a special needs child and needed some chizuk. Rav Miller told him to tell her, “If you accept this challenge with love and joy, when Moshiach comes, you will be in the front, and we will be following behind you.”
Wolf Worsh, a Center bochur, then spoke about his experiences at The Center Farm. He declared, “All of the rabbeim are so nice and understanding. They all help me to be the best I can be. I just want to say that this is an incredible school with incredible teachers who help kids become tzadikim and ensure that we reach our full potential!”
Rabbi Shain, the father of Noach, a Center student, said, “The tzadikim and tzidkonios of The Center laid out the red carpet for us and for Noach. They understood his needs, knew how to help, and were ready to do whatever it took. Noach is a proud member of The Center family, and so are we!
“Today, we are not just celebrating a Haschalas Mishnayos – which deserves a full seudah in and of itself – we also are celebrating the great gift of having The Special Children’s Center in our lives.”
Rabbi Gedalia Zlotowitz, a longtime friend of The Center spoke emotionally and said, “When Mrs. Shwekey and Mrs. Bender asked me to donate the Artscroll Mishnayos for this occasion, I agreed immediately. I thank them for allowing me to have a small part in what they do on a daily basis.”
He told the boys, “Do you know what it means to learn Torah? You will be learning the same Mishnayos that Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky learns. You will read the same words he reads. You will learn the same Torah that been learnt for thousands of years in Klal Yisroel.
“Your Torah means so much to Hashem! Your torah will change the world!”
The feeling in the crowd was overwhelming as the boys were presented with their new Mishnayos by Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Zlotowitz. The smiles didn’t leave the boys’ faces as they came up one by one to take their Mishnayos and officially begin learning from them.
One of the dignitaries present at the event, Assemblyman Avi Schnall, summed up some of the feelings by saying, “It is a big zechus for me to be part of this momentous occasion. It is a huge simcha to join with the Ribono Shel Olam’s children as they embark on this new milestone. It is the zechus of a lifetime to be able to participate in this event!”
Rabbi Barkany, the father of Avi, on of The Center boys celebrating that day’s simcha, shared, “I could speak for hour about The Center, but it would never be enough. I sat here today for two hours crying with happiness upon seeing how overjoyed and excited Avi is to start learning Mishnayos!”
The crowd fell into a reverential silence as one of the boys read the first Mishnah and another, Simcha Weinberg delivered a short, well-prepared devar Torah on the topic of the Mishnah, quoting a vort he heard from the Rosh Hayeshiva of BMG, Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita. Another Center student, Yehuda Judowitz, also said a short devar Torah, impressing everyone with how well he knew the material.
The festive singing and dancing of the boys and their fathers at the end of the program was something that will long be remembered. The overarching joy was palpable as everyone joined hands in exhilaration, with no one wanting the simcha to end.
One boy was so excited that he could not stop hugging his new Mishnayos, telling a staff member that he simply could not put it down. Another asked Rabbi Zlotowitz if he could learn with him for a few minutes. Of course, Rabbi Zlotowitz readily agreed and learned the first Mishnah several times with him. When he asked the boy his name, he replied, “Meir.”
Rabbi Zlotowitz became even more emotional as he told the boy that his father, who had started the Artscroll Revolution that brought Torah to so many households, was also named Meir, and it is a privilege for him to learn with a boy who shared both his father’s name and his love of learning Torah.
Everyone who had the zechus of being at this celebration was simple awestruck by the accomplishments of The Center’s talmidim, and by the devotion and dedication The Center staff shows for every member of The Center family. It was a day that will be long remembered and which will surely lead to even greater things to come.
As Rabbi Zlotowitz said, “I can’t wait to be invited back for the first siyum!”
Powerful Video of this event “How Special The Parents and Families are”
— FrumNews.com (@Frum_News) November 8, 2024
Photo Gallery of the event
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