Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet After Gantz Leaves

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan meets with the Israeli war cabinet on December 14-15, 2023. Photo credit: David Azagury/U.S. Embassy Jerusalem

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to his ministers who participated in the day’s Security Cabinet session that he has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet.


On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to his ministers who participated in the day’s Security Cabinet session that he has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet and to hold the relevant defense-related discussions in the broader Security Cabinet instead.

Last week, Benny Gantz and the National Unity Party resigned from the war cabinet after eight months. Netanyahu has since argued that the war cabinet was no longer needed. 

Reports indicate that the Prime Minister will convene a small circle of ministers, including the defense minister, Yoav Gallant, and the strategic affairs minister, Ron Dermer, just like the disbanded war cabinet.

Reports also indicate that Netanyahu will likely not include National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir in the new pseudo-war cabinet. Ben Gvir demanded to join the War Cabinet after the National Unity Party left the government.

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