BACH Jewish Center hosts Fire Department for Purim Extravaganza
LONG BEACH, New York – On Thursday evening, the Long Beach Fire Department helped ignite the ruach at the BACH Jewish Center’s Purim celebrations by participating in the synagogue’s annual Megillah reading and community Purim party.
The festivities began with Mincha prayer services, where Sam Pinto, Long Beach’s only Jewish professional firefighter, was called to the Torah. He later participated in the ancient Jewish tradition of Machazit Hashekel, symbolically counting half-shekel coins to represent the Jewish people. The celebration continued with the Megillah reading, followed by the synagogue’s annual party, where the Fire Department had the opportunity to engage with community members. Children from across the barrier island also enjoyed the chance to “dress up” as firefighters and learn about the department’s operations and responses.
While participants dined, Rabbi Benny Berlin of BACH took the stage to present a commemorative plaque to the Fire Department on behalf of the congregation.
“As Jews, earlier today we observed the ancient Mitzvah of Machazit Hashekel, the Jewish census counted through half-shekel coins donated to the Temple in each person’s honor,” said Rabbi Benny Berlin, who also serves as chaplain for the Long Beach Police Department. “Our sages teach us that our forefathers were counted twice in the Torah – once by half-shekel and once by name. The latter shows the value of each individual, and the former, by number, demonstrates the strength of unity. How fitting it is that our firefighters joined us in this tradition. Their collective efforts give us peace of mind, knowing that if an emergency arises, they will respond without hesitation. Yet, their individual skills and teamwork on the scene make them so effective.”
The evening served as a poignant reminder of the first responders’ essential role in Long Beach, highlighting the city’s spirit of unity. It emphasized how neighbors come together to support each other during times of challenge or celebration.
The Fire Department’s participation in BACH’s Purim celebration is part of the synagogue’s ongoing effort to include Long Beach’s local heroes in its events. It provided a meaningful opportunity to express gratitude for the firefighters’ collective commitment, recognizing the risks they take to protect the community and its residents.
Founded in 1946, Bachurei Chemed – BACH Jewish Center is one of Long Island’s most prestigious and oldest synagogues. Shul members hail from Long Beach, Lido, Atlantic Beach and Island Park. For more information, please visit bachlongbeach.com

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