Law Enforcement Officials Meet Community Leaders to Discuss Summer Safety

Top Law Enforcement Officials, met with community Askunim in Upstate New York, to address important issues related to summer safety and develop strategies to combat anti-Semitism
Goshen, NY — On Thursday, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler hosted a meeting bringing together top law enforcement officials, community leaders, and representatives from various towns and agencies to address important issues related to summer safety and combatting antisemitism. The meeting, held at the district attorney’s office in Goshen, was a significant step towards fostering collaboration and ensuring the safety and security of all residents and visitors.
Speaking at the meeting, District Attorney David Hoovler reiterated his commitment to tackling antisemitism and other biased crimes in the county. “Our office has been on the frontline to tackle antisemitism and other biased crimes, and they will not be tolerated in this county,” said DA Hoovler.
The gathering included heads of various law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, NY State Police, NYS Sheriff’s, and police chiefs, as well as local town representatives including Liberty, Fallsburg, Monticello, Monroe, Goshen, Woodbury, Ramapo, Spring Valley, and others.
Also in attendance were Sullivan County District Attorney Brian Conaty, OEM Commissioners of Orange and Sullivan County, and other key stakeholders who listened to community leaders’ concerns.
With the upcoming summer season expected to bring thousands of families to upstate counties for vacation, discussions at the meeting centered around camp safety, large event security, and the importance of ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all. Sullivan County District Attorney Brian Conaty, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff, Albany County Craig Apple and Ulster County Undersheriff emphasized the significance of summer camps and events to the community, pledging to work towards providing a positive experience for children and families.
Addressing concerns regarding road construction and increased traffic, NY State Police leaders, Troop F Major, Monroe and Liberty zone commanders emphasized the agencies’ dedication to ensuring the safety of all individuals. Attendees, including Town of Palm Tree head of Public Safety, Moses Witriol, expressed appreciation for DA Hoovler’s initiative in convening the meeting and fostering collaboration between law enforcement and community leaders.
Long-time community leader Rabbi Bernard Freilich and law enforcement chaplain Rabbi Abe Friedman, highlighted the positive relationship between law enforcement agencies and the community, emphasizing their commitment to working together for the safety and well-being of all. This sentiment was echoed by Abraham Rosenberg of the Sullivan County JCC, and Yossi Margaretten Chaverim of Rockland County coordinator, an organization that works closely collaborating with county officials.
Special Agent of the FBI, Mike Andretta, reaffirmed the FBI’s dedication to working closely with local officials to maintain community safety. The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of unity and determination among attendees to collaborate effectively in addressing pressing issues and ensuring a safe environment for all residents and visitors during the upcoming summer season.
1 Comment
06/09/2024 | ג' סיון התשפ"ד
Thank You Rabbi Freilich and all those involved for your continuous leadership for the community at large.
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