LAKEWOOD, NJ: First Commerce Bank Takes Serving to the Community to the Next Level With Move Into New Corporate Headquarters

“They Built Lakewood” “They Built Lakewood” First Commerce Bank celebrated its move into its brand-new corporate headquarters in Lakewood, NJ

“They Built Lakewood”

Lakewood, NJ – First Commerce Bank celebrated its move into its brand-new corporate headquarters located at 1700 Avenue of the States last week, marking a new chapter in this local bank’s commitment to serving the community on the highest possible level.

With the move, 100-plus employees will be based in this central location, with plans in the works to open an additional bank branch on the 1st floor as well.

While the Grand Opening ceremony is scheduled for after Pesach, a small celebration took place last week for the employees, with Mayor Ray Coles attending and cutting the ribbon to officially open the headquarters for business.

Short remarks were delivered at the event from First Commerce’s President and CEO, Donald Mindiak, as well as from Executive Vice Presidents Eli Rennert and Greg Garcia.

Mr. Mindiak said, “I am so proud to be here at the opening of our new facility. I know this move will help us to continue to develop and foster our great relationship with the community.”

Mr. Rennert, who has been with the bank since its opening in 2011, said, “I am looking forward to working together with this team as we enter this new chapter.” He further noted that “having all departments in one office will streamline the services provided to the community”.   

Mr. Garcia echoed that sentiment and said that the new headquarters will hopefully take First Commerce Bank “to the next level.”

Mayor Coles stated, “The Corporate Park has been a dream for this town for 25 years, and it is so nice to see it live up to its potential with great businesses like this establishing themselves there. Congratulations!”

To build Lakewood – for the people, by the people!

First Commerce Bank was founded back in 2011 by a group of askanim and investors, including prominent Lakewood residents: Attorney Abe Penzer, Gershon Biegeleisen, Lazer Weinman, and Aaron Sussman, as well, ybchl”ch, R’ Zeev Rothschild z”l, who decided that the time had come for Lakewood to have its own community bank that focused on the financial needs of the community.

The group worked out a deal to recapitalize Northern State Bank, based in Closter, Bergen County, NJ, renamed it First Commerce Bank, and moved its headquarters to Lakewood.

First Commerce’s Lakewood branch on River Avenue quickly distinguished itself as a genuine community bank that develops real relationships with local residents, businesses, schools, shuls and mosdos, understands its customers needs and works with them on a personal basis to get things done.

One aspect of the communal nature of First Commerce as it relates specifically to the community of Lakewood is the unique Heter Iska it uses. First Commerce has a Heter Iska available for every transaction.  They are advised on Heter Iska practices from both the Gedolim of Eretz Yisroel and leading American Poskim such as Rav Shlomo Miller shlita.

When one visits the Lakewood branch of First Commerce – one of 10 branches operated by the bank – one is immediately amazed by the friendliness the staff towards each customer. Tellers and other employees greet each individual by name – clearly having a previously-established rapport with them – and customers are visibly at ease during their transactions. The atmosphere in the lobby vividly portrays the essence of the concept of a community bank that is truly focused on the members of the community and their needs. The same atmosphere permeates the banks other branches in Jewish communities like Teaneck-Englewood and Closter (which services the Spring Valley-Monsey area).

In addition to the friendly service for community banking – such as savings accounts, CDs, loans, business and commercial loans and services etc. – First Commerce has become the go-to place for shuls, schools and mosdos seeking loans to build or expand.

These institutions appreciate the heightened level of interaction between clients and the decision makers that a community bank offers, the personalized touch of dealing with someone who knows and understands what they need, and First Commerce’s willingness and capability to go above and beyond to find tailor-made solutions to get them what they need.

At First Commerce Bank, no local customer is a “number”. When the expert staff meets each and every customer, they pay attention to them as individuals. They see people, rather than just numbers, and, in this way, they are able to give advice and provide services to help people, businesses and mosdos in many ways that others cannot.

One of the guests at the event put it simply by saying, “It is no exaggeration to say that First Commerce Bank built Lakewood. With their understanding of the community and dedication to each individual, they get much of the credit for a huge number of businesses, offices, schools, batei medrash, and mosdos. They truly are a major part of the development of this city. They really built Lakewood!”

It is no wonder that First Commerce Bank has continued to steadily grow over the past 14 years, and it is certain that the move into the new headquarters will herald an era of even more growth, community service and building Lakewood.

First Commerce Bank groundbreaking on route nine for their branch in 2011

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