Israeli Civilian Contractor Assisting The IDF, Killed By IED In Rafah Gaza

Liron Yitzhak, HY"D, a civilian employee of the Defense Ministry who was critically wounded in an IED explosion in the southern Gaza Strip on Monday, has died of his injuries, it was cleared for publication.
Liron Yitzhak, HY”D, a Israeli civilian employee of the Defense Ministry who was critically wounded in an IED explosion in the southern Gaza Strip on Monday, has died of his injuries, it was cleared for publication.
Liron, a resident of Petach Tikva, worked for a contracting company on behalf of the Defense Ministry and was on assignment in the Gaza Strip when the IED exploded in Rafah.
The Beillinson Medical Center in Petach Tikva announced that the medical teams fought for his life over the last two days in an attempt to treat the critical head injury he suffered – but he succumbed to his injuries two days later.
Liron leaves behind his parents, a brother, a sister, and his fiancee Almog, whom he was supposed to marry in two weeks.
In addition to Liron, the mortar attack in the Rafah area left eight IDF soldiers wounded, including two seriously, and another Defense Ministry contractor lightly hurt.
The Israeli Ministry of Defense shared its condolences for the family, “Yitzhak was performing work on behalf of a company employed by the Ministry of Defense, assisting IDF forces operating in Gaza.” to protect the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel.
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