Hatzalah, Shmira, Shomrim, Chavivim, Chaveirim Warns: Be Alert When Exiting Your Vehicle

Our NY/NJ community emergency response organizations — Hatzalah, Shmira and Shomrim, Chavivim and Chaveirim— from the tri-state area are alerting of the dangers of mistakenly leaving a child in a car r”l following a string of tragic accidents

By FrumNews.com

Over the past 12 months, there have been several heartbreaking tragedies of Jewish children in the frum community mistakenly being left in cars r”l.

Our NJ/NY community emergency response organizations — Hatzalah, Shmira and Shomrim, Chavivim and Chaveirim— from the tri-state area are alerting of the dangers of mistakenly leaving a child in a car r”l following a string of tragic accidents.

Hatzolah of Central Jersey said in its PSA: “Hatzolah reminds you to look before you lock and never leave a child in your car. Pause to look back every time you leave your car. And if you see a child alone in a hot car, take immediate action.

With the weather outside getting warmer, and summer only a few months away. It’s easy to forget that interior car temperatures can reach drastic levels even when the weather outside isn’t necessarily hot.

Leaving a child alone, even for two minutes, can—and is—life-threatening. AAA also says a child’s body heats up three to five times faster than an adult’s body.

Earlier today, the Lakewood Jewish community was heartbroken to hear that a 4-month-old baby was Niftar after being mistakenly left in a vehicle.

An Askun told FrumNews.com that, “This issue has seriously hit and devastated our communities. It can happen to anyone, even to the most loving attentive parents. The more community-wide awareness the better.”

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