FrumNews Endorses Assemblyman Sam Berger for Re-Election in NYS

At we rarely make endorsements in support of any candidate. But when an elected official goes above the call of duty representing our community, that changes everything
Queens, NY – At we rarely make endorsements in support of a political candidate running for elected office or for re-election. But when certain elected officials go above the call of duty representing their constituents and community, that changes everything.
After much consideration, and lots of discussions with many local residents of Kew Gardens Hills. is pleased to announce that we fully endorse Jewish New York State Assembly Member Sam Berger, Esq. For Re-Election in NYS Assembly district 27 (Queens).
Assembly district 27 includes the neighborhoods of Kew Gardens Hills, Queensboro Hill, Flushing, College Point, Whitestone, Malba, Beechhurst and a portion of Forest Hills in Queens, NY.
Sam Berger, a husband and father of two children, is a lifelong Kew Gardens Hills frum resident, a proud Yeshiva Graduate and Attorney after recently graduating law school.
Berger, 26, is the youngest member of the NY State Assembly, winning his seat just one-year ago in a special election after former Assembly Member Daniel Rosenthal, resigned to take a job at the United Jewish Appeal UJA-Federation.
Assemblyman Sam Berger has proven himself numerous times to be a common sense advocate who is willing to work across the aisle and political spectrum to get legislation passed.
An Assembly Member who serves his entire district with dignity and tremendous dedication: From passing Gittel’s Law, legislation to protect community members from EBT/SNAP/Food Stamps skimming fraud which have been plaguing the Queens Borough.
Being a Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe graduate, Assemblyman Berger takes matters that are of concern to the local Jewish population very seriously. He has stood up to defend yeshiva education, and will continue to do so.
As Assemblyman he allocated $300,000 in capital funding from the NYS 2024 budget for emergency services group Queens Borough Safety Patrol Shmira (QBSP) to support their public safety mission and increase Shmira security patrols, benefiting the entire Queens North.
With the ongoing anti-Semitic and anti-American violent protests wreaking havoc in this great city on a near-daily basis, Assemblyman Berger co-sponsored an important bill introduced in the state Assembly to ban masks at protests in New York City and State. Making those that wish to conceal their identify and commit crimes—subject to arrest. This bill which has bipartisan support, will be voted on next legislative session.
With the rise in crime, the Assemblyman has gone out of his way to support the NYPD, letting the Police know that he and his district, 100% support our law enforcement all the way and will do everything possible to assist New York’s Finest with public safety — law & order.
On an individual level—Assemblyman Berger has always been there for all his constituents.
It’s not just about the “big stuff”, the bills, legislation and public events. Assemblyman Berger’s office constituent services go beyond and above to everyone in the 27th Assembly District. His office coordinates with city, state, and federal agencies to give the best service possible to everyone living in his district. Assemblyman Sam Berger revels in his ability to make a difference and the betterment of the life of every day Queens north residents, regardless of which neighborhood they’re in.
Since the Kew Gardens Hills based politician has a proven track record working with any and every member of the state Assembly and NYS Senate, regardless of political orientation—to get legislation passed to benefit the Queens community. is proud to endorse Assemblyman Berger and we encourage our loyal readers to vote for him in this upcoming election. He offers hope in the midst of disunity.
We wish Assemblyman Berger and his dedicated team, much Hatzlacha in the November 5th election and BEZ”H we can’t wait to see what other worthwhile legislation and constituent service he has to offer when the next legislative session comes around.
Also endorsing Assemblyman Berger’s re-election campaign are Rabbanim and Jewish Community leaders in Kew Gardens Hills, as well numerous New York Police Unions, including NYC PBA, State Troopers PBA and PCNY.
In a statement to, Assemblyman Berger said “There is a lot of good to be done in the Assembly and I am thankful to Hashem for this opportunity.”
We have compiled a list of the incredible work that Assemblyman Berger and his dedicated staff and team has done, click here to read.
Photo Gallery of NYS Assembly Member Sam Berger in action

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