Frum Florida Family Return Home After Virginia Accident

Special Report - Yidden Helping Yidden - A Heimishe family who are part of the growing and expanding Frum chasseidishe community of Khal Ahavas Hashem in Tampa, Florida, were driving back home early Sunday from Monsey, NY.
Tampa, FL – A heimishe family who are part of the growing and expanding Frum chasseidishe community of Khal Ahavas Hashem in the newly built Wimauma neighborhood of Tampa, Florida, were traveling back home early Sunday from Monsey, NY.
While driving in Virginia on the I95 South, they got into a major rollover accident, their four-month old daughter was ejected from the vehicle and everyone sustained injuries.
Virginia State Police which were first on the scene of the accident, administered first aid and requested a medical helicopter due to the severity of the injuries, shutting down the nations busiest interstate highway, the medical chopper landed at the scene of the accident and airlifted the infant to a local hospital.
The parents were transported by local EMS Paramedics to an area hospital by ambulance.
As word quickly spread throughout the tight-knit Tampa Jewish Kehilla about this accident, the community immediately sprang into action.
Close family friends and member of Chavivim Tampa, Yaakov (Yanky) Pollak and Duvid Leib Rosenberg headed straight for the airport, catching a direct flight to Virginia so they can be with the family.
In the chaotic aftermath, unsure of the family’s condition in an unfamiliar city, Khal Ahavas Hashem of Tampa community members Heshy Newman and Meyer Spitzer from Central Florida Hatzalah, immediately began coordinating help from the local Chabad Lubavitch Shluchim in Virgina and Askunim across state lines.
At the same time, Chaim Feldman from Refuah Hotline, Yedidya Blau from Rockland Chaveirim and Shimon Cheskel Weinstock Askun from Kiryas Yoel, used their national resources to make sure that the family is getting the best medical attention, Shimon Cheskel Weinstock then took the next flight out to Virginia to be with the family.
Many Chabad Shluchim to Virginia and Aron Slone, Askun and community activist from Norfolk, Virginia, arrived at the hospital after getting called, Rabbi Mendy Weiss, Chabad Shliech to Richmond, Virginia went back and forth between the injured the entire day.
Duvid Leib Rosenberg and Yanky Pollak of Chavivim, landed after a short direct flight from Tampa to Virginia, immediately headed straight to the scene of the accident as it was finished getting cleared by local authorities, they recovered the fathers Tallis and Teffilin along with other important valuables before heading to the hospital.
DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL B’nisei Nissim all three members of the family were discharged from the hospital. Harav Yossel & Rebbetzin Nechomi Kranz, head Shluchim of Chabad Lubavitch to the state of Virginia, welcomed the family into their home and provided comfort, companionship and a quiet place to rest as they slowly recover from their injuries during this challenging time.
The Greater Virginia Jewish community, including, Rabbi Mendy Heber and Rabbi Mendy Weiss of Chabad Lubavitch, and Rabbi Dovid & Rebbetzin Aliza Asher of the OU Shul Keneseth Beth Israel, played a pivotal role in providing assistance to the family, arranging accommodations and kosher food for the relatives and friends that arrived in Virginia to be with the family. has received confirmation that the family is BH back home in Tampa, Florida.
The family is B’Chasdei Hashem expected to make a full recovery.
A member of the Tampa Khal Ahavas Hashem Kehilla said to “We are not just a community, we are a close family, but this week we have witnessed a tremendous Kiddush Hashem with such Chesed from countless Yidden across the USA, whom we never met nor heard of before, helping our dear community members with such love as if it’s their own family, מי כעמך ישראל.”
The family still needs Tefilos, the names to be Mispallel and say Tehillim for is
אברהם מרדכי בן רחל צפורה
חסיה ברכה בת רבקה שירה מרים
חוה בתיה בת חסיה ברכה

08/29/2024 | כ"ה אב התשפ"ד
II wish all the Family involved in the accident, Refuah Shlema min ha Shamayim. That all will be healthy soon. And Hashem thanks all the people that helped them and are still doing good Mitzivah.
08/28/2024 | כ"ד אב התשפ"ד
Why would they catch a direct flight only? It would have made more sense to catch a non-stop. Why have stopovers, which is what direct flights mean.
forum Reply to Frequent Flyer 08/28/2024 | כ"ד אב התשפ"ד
It’s most likely referring to the fact that Tampa International Airport doesn’t have many non-stop flights to Richmond, VA. So the fact that they were able to catch a non-stop flight (and fly direct, getting there in record time and retrieving the belongings by the crash site) is a big deal
08/28/2024 | כ"ד אב התשפ"ד
May they recover quickly. Cars can be replaced but not lives. Reading about the support provided so quickly continues to make me so proud to be a Jew.
08/28/2024 | כ"ד אב התשפ"ד
יפשפש במעשיו מען זאל בודק זיין די תפילין און מזוזות און דער קהילה זאהל זיך מתחזק זיין אין תשובה ומעשים טובים מיט אהבת ישראל און לערן פון די חב”ד סקער חסידים צו העלפן א איד וואס די קענסט נישט און על אחת כמה וכמה א איד פון דיין קהילה וואס מען יא
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