Four Injured in Ramming Terror Attack At Nir Tzvi Intersection

Photo: MDA

Four IDF soldiers were injured in a suspected ramming attack at the Nir Tzvi intersection near Lod, in central Israel, on Sunday afternoon.


Four IDF soldiers were injured in a suspected ramming attack at the Nir Tzvi intersection near Lod, in central Israel, on Sunday afternoon.

The Nir Tzvi junction includes a bus stop and sits adjacent to the Tzrifin military base, where large police forces have since been deployed following the incident.

Israel Border Police officers that were dispatched to the scene neutralized the terrorist.

Eyewitnesses said the driver ran over the three pedestrians before then crashing into a bus stop.

The IDF confirmed the attack. One IDF officer and one soldier were severely injured, two others were moderately or slightly injured.

Police later identified the terrorist as a 27-year-old Israeli citizen from eastern Yerushalayim.

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