Florida Stands With Israel License Plate to Benefit Hatzalah

The state of Florida has launched a Florida Stands with Israel (FSWI) license plate available for purchase which will benefit Hatzalah Of South Florida

By FrumNews.com

The state of Florida has launched a Florida Stands with Israel (FSWI) license plate available for purchase.

Once 3,000 pre-sale vouchers are sold, production of the license plates will commence. The deadline for purchasing vouchers is October 14th, 2024.

$25.00 of your $33.00 voucher purchase, a significant portion, will benefit Hatzalah South Florida Emergency Medical Services.

Purchase a pre-sale voucher for the FSWI specialty license plate directly via the Florida DMV Tax Collector site or here. Non-Florida residents can also purchase a voucher as a gift for friends or family.

Governor Ron DeSantis signed the specialty license plate into law, emphasizing its role in strengthening the long-standing bond between Florida and Israel.

South Florida Congressional candidate (FL-25) Bryan ELeib a strong supporter of Hatzalah released a statement to FrumNews.com

“I am calling on South Florida’s Jewish and Pro-Israel community to join me in purchasing a specialty Florida Stands with Israel license plate voucher that will benefit Hatzalah of South Florida.” Bryan Leib said.

To learn more, or to purchase your specialty license plate you can visit FloridaStandsWithIsrael.org

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  • Hatzalah fan 07/25/2024 | י"ט תמוז התשפ"ד

    Hatzalah SF is the best

  • Levi 07/25/2024 | י"ט תמוז התשפ"ד

    Genuinely asking, although it’s good to show support for Eretz Yisroel.

    But an unattended parked car can’t defend itself, wouldn’t these pro Israel plates possibly attract anti-Semitic vandals?

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