Crown Heights Street To Be Co-Named “Lubavitcher Rebbe Way” In Special Vote

A vote by elected officials and Brooklyn Community Board 9 which represents Crown Heights is set to take place this month to co-name President Street, the street of the Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe’s house “Lubavitcher Rebbe Way.”

photo credit: Jewish Educational Media (JEM)


A monumental vote by elected officials and Brooklyn Community Board 9 which represents Crown Heights is set to take place this month to co-name President Street, the street of the Lubavitch Rebbe’s house “Lubavitcher Rebbe Way.”

The Rebbe’s house on President Street is two-blocks from 770 Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters.

The news of this was taken with much excitement and appreciation by the Crown Heights Jewish Community and by the thousands of Chabad Shleichim from Chabad houses and Lubavitch centers worldwide.

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso, who proudly represents the Brooklyn Jewish communities-sent a support letter to Community Board 9 regarding their vote on a proposal to co-name President Street, between Brooklyn and New York Avenues, as ‘Lubavitcher Rebbe Way’, to honor and recognize the significant impact of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who had resided on this street.

Letter in support of the street co-naming from Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso

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  • Lubavitch values 09/08/2024 | ה' אלול התשפ"ד

    This idea is not what the Rebbe would want, an idea to name years ago a Crown Heights street in honor of the Rebbetzin & in honor of the Freidike Rebbe. The Rebbe said not to do It

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