“Chaptzem” Chase On The Streets of Boro Park leads to Armed Perps Arrest

As the Boro Park Jewish community were making Erev Yom Tov preparations, an armed suspect attempted to rob a Bochur, which resulted in a “Chaptzem” pursuit through the streets of Boro Park until Shmira apprehended the thief and disarmed him
by FrumNews.com
Borough Park, Brooklyn – As the community was making Erev Yom Tov preparations, a suspect attempted to rob an expensive electric scooter from a Bochur while he was riding his scooter on 10th Avenue in Boro Park.
When a bystander, a Yingerman witnessed this robbery occurring, he bravely tried to fend off the thief, the suspect then pulled a knife on the Yingerman before fleeing.
Both victims sounded an alarm, which resulted in screams of “Chaptzem” After a brief chase on the streets of Boro Park by community residents and responding Shmira volunteers. They secured the knife, apprehended and detained the suspect several blocks away on 44th Street.
The NYPD’s 66th Precinct arrived quickly and placed him under arrest.
1 Comment
10/23/2024 | כ"א תשרי התשפ"ה
And 3 hours later, a filthy treasonous leftist DemonRat prosecutor and judge set him free
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