Boro Park Street To Be Co-Named in Memory of Misaskim founder Reb Yanky Meyer

Brooklyn Community Board 12 voted tonight to approve a street co-naming in Borough Park in memory of Misaskim founder Rabbi Jack (Yanky) Meyer z"l
By FrumNews
Boro Park, NYC – Last year Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso advocated in a letter to the Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein, for a street co-naming in memory of Misaskim founder, Hatzalah volunteer and legendary Askan Rabbi Yanky Meyer z”l.
Yanky Meyer, who passed away in Elul 5782, is most widely known as the founder of Misaskim, Meyer was a member of Hatzolah and a chaplain for the NYPD and the Port Authority. Whenever there was a need in the community, Yanky was there, whether it be a mass gathering and event, a tragedy r”l, or an autopsy that needed to be prevented.
The letter by Antonio Reynoso stated: “I write to you in hopes that you will join me in recognizing Rabbi Jack (Yanky) Meyer, the founder Of Misaskim, by co-naming a street in Borough Park in honor of his profound legacy.
“Rabbi Meyer was a leader whose dedication to faith and service can be seen all over Brooklyn and this city. From his founding role in Misaskim, to his support for orphans and widows and his contributions as a member of the Boro Park Hatzolah, Rabbi Meyer was a leader and caretaker for so many Brooklynites. His memory lives on in the devotion and selflessness he has inspired in so many others.”
“Beloved by all in Borough Park, Rabbi Meyer’s legacy deserves to be memorialized in our streets, marked by a co-naming so that he and his good deeds can be passed down from generation to generation. I urge you to consider co-naming a street in Community District 12 in honor of Rabbi Meyer, and I hope you will undertake this effort quickly. I look forward to working together to uplift Rabbi Meyer’s memory for all of Brooklyn.”
“A dedicated and selfless leader, Rabbi Jack (Yanky) Meyer was beloved by many in Brooklyn. His legacy of service to our communities, particularly Borough Park, is worthy of every honor, and I commend Borough President Reynoso for seeking to honor Rabbi Meyer with a street co-naming,” said Rabbi Bernard Freilich. “This memorial will inspire new generations of Brooklynites to follow in Rabbi Meyer’s footsteps and never take for granted the everlasting impact a person can achieve in just one lifetime.”
Tonight, January 28, 2025, Brooklyn Community Board 12 (CB12) voted in a meeting to approve the co-naming of 16th Avenue between 58th and 59th streets, the block of the NYPD 66th Precinct in Borough Park. The proposal from Brooklyn Community Board 12 will be sent to the City Council and Department of Transportation (DOT), which it is expected to pass with an overwhelmingly majority in support.
Following Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso’s letter advocating for the tribute, Community Board 12 voted tonight to approve the co-naming of a Boro Park street in honor of Rabbi Yanky Meyer, sending the proposal to the City Council and Department of Transportation for…
— Brooknews (@Brooknewslive) January 29, 2025
01/28/2025 | כ"ח טבת התשפ"ה
Mamash a good guy!
01/28/2025 | כ"ח טבת התשפ"ה
Yanky Meyer was a legend in Chessed. He deserves this honor
forum Reply to Yitzchok 01/28/2025 | כ"ח טבת התשפ"ה
Awesome good, he was so good
01/28/2025 | כ"ח טבת התשפ"ה
Well deserved
01/28/2025 | כ"ח טבת התשפ"ה
Yanky Meyer zt”ll was a legend. He deserves this honor.
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