Biden’s $320 Million Gaza Pier Returns To Gaza After Floating Away To Ashdod

The Gaza pier that Democrats insisted on building to import “humanitarian aid” into Gaza has been repaired and shipped back to Gaza and installed. However, it has not been without its challenges.
Yerushalayim — The Gaza pier that Democrats insisted on building to import “humanitarian aid” into Gaza has been repaired and shipped back to Gaza and installed. However, it has not been without its challenges.
The pier was installed by U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) on Friday and had issues installing the pier, running aground into the beach and breaking into concrete.
As previously reported by, the pier was the hallmark of President Biden’s humanitarian aid plan, which he announced during the State of the Union. In it, he promised, “No US boots will be on the ground.”
Two weeks after coming into service—in theatrical fashion—the $320 million pier broke apart from its home in Gaza after a large storm. The pier broke away from the causeway, sinking part of the pier and drifting parts of the pier into the beach of Ashdod, Israel. Four U.S. Navy boats that had been used to ferry supplies drifted and got stuck on the beach—two North on the Israeli side and two in Gaza.
Ten days after breaking apart, the pier was repaired in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, where U.S. Central Command repaired it.
The pier went into effect—again—over Shabbos. With approximately 492 metric tons (~1.1 million pounds) entering Gaza, with no “US boots on the ground.”
Under the pier’s design, aid is supposed to be delivered onto a massive platform off the coast of Gaza and then moved down a long causeway to the beach, where it is supposed to be picked up by NGOs for distribution within Gaza.
But not as if aid would actually get to “innocent civilians,” according to reliable Israeli “boots on the ground,” most of the aid makes its way to Hamas and other terror groups within Gaza.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, said about the pier disaster in late May, “I don’t relish being right. I had hoped it would bring some relief to Gaza. But as I said on Day 1, this pier was a massive waste of money that had no value other than virtue signaling to Biden’s base.”
06/09/2024 | ג' סיון התשפ"ד
Nova Beach!
Gush Katif!
Am Yisroel Chai! -
06/09/2024 | ג' סיון התשפ"ד
At least this helped out with the hostage rescue Shabbos morning
06/09/2024 | ג' סיון התשפ"ד
This “Pier – Dock” was forced on Israel by US, it was built horribly, and the “aid” goes to Hamas.
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