Bais Yaakov Students Spread the Light of Chanukah Together With the BPJCC

In preparation for Chanukah, Bais Yaakov students volunteered to package gifts for Boro Park Holocaust survivors, who continue to be a light unto the nation
Borough Park, Brooklyn – In preparation for Chanukah, Bais Yaakov students volunteered to package gifts for Boro Park Holocaust survivors, who continue to be a light unto the nation.
The meaningful gifts are part of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, BPJCC‘s Chanukah packages that will be distributed to more than a hundred Holocaust survivors. The packages were generously sponsored by Heritage Levavot and Haym Salomon Home.
The Bais Yaakov students also included personal notes and letters for the precious survivors, which they placed in the gift bags. The Chanukah gift packages will be hand-delivered to Boro Park Holocaust survivors to add a spark of warmth to the Festival of Lights.
“Today’s event at the BPJCC was special in so many ways,” shares Mrs. Lipschitz, Holocaust Survivor. “Being able to inspire so many Bais Yaakov girls who gave so warmly of their time and energy was an experience I appreciated in so many ways. Bringing things full circle by addressing them and sharing just a small part of myself was truly meaningful, as I know the Chanukah gift bags with the girls’ personal warm wishes will be for fellow survivors.”
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and State Senator Simcha Felder, who were instrumental in assisting with this and many other BPJCC projects, stopped by to package some of the gifts themselves.
“Today was a truly memorable experience here at the BPJCC,” says Avi Greenstein, CEO. “Watching four generations connect in such a moving manner, not only in having the Bais Yaakov girls write personal messages but in seeing how inspired they were while listening to the uplifting and encouraging words shared by Rebbetzin Lipschitz. This was such a special program, and I’m grateful to Mrs. Orly Gadayev, BPJCC office manager, for arranging this moving day for all involved. The message that these girls were able to bring home is a life lesson, and what they were able to give back to the survivors is that we will never forget the courage and inspiration they demonstrate every single day.”
“I was delighted to attend this heartwarming event in which Holocaust survivors received personalized gift packages that were assembled and distributed by our local young students,” said Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. “I was especially touched watching Mrs. Lipschitz, a survivor, interacting with Bais Yaakov eighth graders. Thanks to BPJCC, to Heritage Levavot, and to all those who helped to make this happen.”
Heartwarming moment today as junior high students from Bais Yaakov volunteered to help prepare special Chanukah gift packages that will be hand-delivered to Boro Park Holocaust survivors to add a spark of warmth to the Festival of Lights.
— Boro Park JCC (@bpjcc) December 19, 2024
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