Assemblyman-Elect Wieder Calls for Tax Refund, Investigation into ERCSD Monitors After $30M Surplus.

Rockland County- NYS Assemblyman-Elect Aron Wieder Calls for Tax Refund, Investigation into ERCSD Monitors After $30M Surplus
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Rockland County, NY – In an astonishing turn of events, the East Ramapo Central School District (ERCSD) announced an over $30 million budget surplus on Monday night, November 18, prompting Assemblyman Elect Aron Wieder to call for an immediate investigation into the school district’s financial oversight by its state-appointed monitors.
Wieder, citing his concern over what he described as a misleading forecast by the ERCSD State appointed monitors, is demanding that New York State Commissioner of Education Betty Rosa’s additional 4.38% tax increase on the taxpayers of the East Ramapo School District]be immediately refunded to ERCSD taxpayers.
“A thirty million dollar surplus should not have been a surprise,” Wieder said, referring to the monitors’ sloppy oversight in handling the district’s finances. “The state-appointed monitor’s dismal forecast of the ERCSD’s budget led Rosa to believe the district was facing a significant deficit. Tax increases imposed based on this erroneous information should be immediately refunded to the taxpayers.”
According to Wieder, ERCSD taxpayers were burdened with increased taxes based on monitors’ predictions of an impending budget deficit. He attributed the worrisome financial forecast to the monitors’ mistaken oversight, which led to inaccurate financial projections.
Wieder demands an official review of how the surplus went undetected until now, arguing that these missteps point to critical lapses in the monitors’ responsibilities.
“I am calling for an immediate investigation into how this surplus was uncovered only now and why these reimbursements were overlooked,” Wieder emphasized. “We need answers for ERCSD taxpayers, and we need mechanisms in place to prevent this from happening again.”
Assemblyman-elect Wieder is urging state officials to implement a plan to refund the tax increases to the ERCSD community. He also raised questions about the legality of the tax hikes, noting they may have been imposed under unconstitutional grounds given the flawed financial projections from the state appointed monitors.
11/20/2024 | י"ט חשון התשפ"ה
The reason they had an accounting issue probably correlates with all the new material they teach in the school. Most of the new material has nothing to do with subject matter that would even fall into a category of what the schools should even be covering, such as, how a child identifies. The old math taught had one answer and 2+2 was 4. Now they have: “new math” that allows for various answers ( it’s also often referred to as Common Core math) which emphasizes understanding the underlying concepts behind calculations rather than just finding a single correct answer, encouraging students to explore different strategies and potentially arrive at multiple valid solutions to a problem. Now that Trump is in office, perhaps the feelings can be taken out of math and schools can do their jobs where at least the 3 R’s were covered and teachers feeling like cats and whatever other freak fetishes they had were not permitted within the walls of the sanctum of our precious children’s education, just as harmful drugs and other harmful substances are not allowed within a specific radius of a school. Perhaps if we just focus on the only two biological genders and real hardcore education then maybe just maybe next accounting will have real answers without the feels in it.
Kol hakavod to the newly elected Assemblyman for stepping up and making sure that there is accountability in his district and to his constituents. -
11/19/2024 | י"ח חשון התשפ"ה
We need accountability in Rockland County
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