FAA Investigates After Near Mid-Air Collision Between Passenger Jets in NYS

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The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating after two jets nearly collided mid-air over Syracuse, New York

By FrumNews.com

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating after two jets nearly collided mid-air over Syracuse, New York, recently.

Two planes from American Airlines and Delta nearly collided mid-air over Syracuse, New York.  The Delta flight had 76 passengers on board, and the American flight had 75.

A police dash camera video captured the unnerving moment, showing the planes flying just 725 feet apart at their closest point. 

The incident occurred due to a traffic control error that cleared one plane to depart from Syracuse Hancock International Airport while the other was cleared to land on the same runway. 

Reports say that based on preliminary evidence, the flights were not actually on a collision course but were still flying in dangerously close proximity. B’Chasdei Hashem, no one was hurt in the ordeal, but the close call has raised concerns about air traffic control procedures and safety measures. 

The FAA’s investigation aims to determine how such an error occurred and to prevent similar incidents in the future.

According to reports, the shortage of aircraft controllers has increased the likelihood of incidents. Republicans have suggested that the shortage, and the reason for so many close calls recently is due to DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) hiring across the aviation industry.

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  • Jack 08/16/2024 | י"ב אב התשפ"ד

    This must be a wake up call to make sure this doesn’t happen again

  • Liberal airline owners 08/16/2024 | י"ב אב התשפ"ד

    This is what happens when the CEO’s of the worlds largest airlines decides to hire based on race and gender, instead of based on qualifications.

    Also many of the best pilots were forced into retirement in 2020 during COVID-19 because they (smartly) refused to take the now proven ineffective vaccine.

  • Yikes 08/16/2024 | י"ב אב התשפ"ד

    Wow, scary stuff!

  • Chana 08/16/2024 | י"ב אב התשפ"ד

    This video is insane! Someone must get fired they almost caused an accident over the city.

    Probably a DEI hire.

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