Lag B’Omer Unites Yidden Around the World

The Hadlaka in Kiryas Yoel

Even as Har Miron was closed for visitors, this Sunday, Yidden across the globe celebrated Lag B’Omer, the Hilllula of the Rashbi, with the annual bonfires, parades and other celebratory events. 


Even as Har Miron was closed for visitors, this Sunday, Yidden across the globe celebrated Lag B’Omer, the Hilllula of the Rashbi, with the annual bonfires, parades and other celebratory events. 

Many events took place in the shadow of the war in Gaza and the ongoing hostage crises. At the Kever of Reb Shimon HaTzadik in Yerushalayim, thousands davened for the Hostages. Likewise, at Lag B’Omer events in the U.S., Europe, and Eretz Yisroel, hundreds of thousands of Yidden davened for the return of the Hostages, and the speedy arrival of the Geulah Shleima.

At the Kever Shimon Hatzadik in Yerushalayim:

Ramat Beis Shemesh, Eretz Yisroel:


Boro Park:

The Lelov Rebbe at the Lag Beomer Hadlakah last night.

The Chernobel Rebbe at the Lag Beomer fire

The Faltishan Rebbe at the Lag Beomer Hadlakah.

The Satmar Cheder on Fort Hamilton Parkway celebrated Lag BaOmer with its hundreds of talmidim:

New Square:

Kriyas Yoel:

Photo, Video: BoroPark24, RocklandDaily

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