We Must Ensure Every Child’s Right to Quality Jewish Education in the USA

Classroom photo: David Katash/frocksinstock

By Florida Congressional Candidate Bryan E. Leib • In a world where education can shape the direction of our youth to be normal or radical, it's imperative that every Jewish child, regardless of their background and their family's financial situation, has access to quality Jewish education in Florida and around the nation.

Op-ed by Bryan E. Leib

In a world where education can shape the direction of our youth to be normal or radical, it’s imperative that every Jewish child, regardless of their background and their family’s financial situation, has access to quality Jewish education in Florida and around the nation. The significance of such an education extends far beyond the classroom, shaping our identity, fostering our community, and preserving our cultural heritage that is needed now more than ever before.

First and foremost, a quality Jewish education provides a strong foundation in religious and cultural traditions that have played a critical role in the Jewish people’s story throughout millennia. It instills values of compassion, hard work, respect, and ethical behavior, essential for navigating an increasingly complex world. Through studying Hebrew, Torah, and Jewish history, children gain a deep understanding of their roots and develop a sense of belonging to a rich and vibrant heritage.

Moreover, a Jewish education fosters critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. By engaging with our Torah and history, students hone their analytical skills and broaden their perspectives. This rigorous intellectual training equips them to excel not only academically but also in their personal and professional lives.

Beyond individual development, access to quality Jewish education strengthens communities and promotes social cohesion. Schools serve as hubs for cultural exchange, bringing together families from diverse backgrounds to celebrate traditions and build lasting bonds. By nurturing a sense of communal responsibility and solidarity, these institutions lay the groundwork for a thriving and connected Jewish community that is mission-critical in 2024 and beyond.

Unfortunately, barriers to accessing quality Jewish education persist, ranging from financial constraints to geographic isolation. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from federal and state policymakers, philanthropists, and community leaders. Initiatives such as scholarship programs, online learning platforms, and outreach efforts can expand access and ensure that no child is left behind.

My position on this is clear: the right to a quality Jewish education is fundamental to the preservation of Jewish identity and the promotion of shared values. As a Member of Congress, the Jewish community can count on my support to increase scholarships and vouchers, and to work on extending/increasing tax credits.

By investing in education, we invest in the future of our children and our communities. It is incumbent upon us to ensure that every child, regardless of circumstance, has the opportunity to receive an enriching Jewish education.

Only then can we truly fulfill our collective responsibility as Jews to pass on our heritage to the next generation and truly embody L’dor V’dor.

Bryan E. Leib is the Republican Candidate for Florida’s 25th Congressional District and is the Founder and CEO of Henry Public Relations.


Editors Note: FrumNews.com would like to bring to our reader’s attention that Congressional candidate for Florida’s 25th District. Bryan Leib is a pro-Israel Jewish Republican, Leib is campaigning to unseat the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz who voted for the Iran deal, among other anti-Israel bills.

You can read the FrumNews.com interview with Bryan Leib here.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic unrest and riots, thousands of young Frum families have fled New York, New Jersey, and California, and resettled in Broward County (FL-25), Florida. FrumNews.com would like to remind the newly-arrived Yidden in the district, who may not yet be registered to vote in Florida, to register so you can have a voice for Florida elections in your Kehilla. To register to vote in Florida, Click Here.

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